from smart:updated security report as on 20 september 2014it has now been more than two months since the last reported incident ofintrusion into the waters of sabah’s east coast. the many securitymeasures that were put in place after the last incident are still firmly inplace and are causing the desire effect of deterring any further intrusions. some of the effects of these measures are surely felt on the islands by:1. the increase presence of security personnel on the islands both interms of numbers and also frequency. the additional patrol boats based on the islands. the almost nightly helicopter recon flights round the islands. frequent aerial recon by fixed winged aircraft. the curfew imposed on sea travel at night.all of which are still enforced today. the government’s promises to further enhance the security enforcement here istaking shape in that more permanent measures are being introduce over time inthe form of permanent bases for field operations and sea maneuvers like: 1. two oil rig platforms are being fitted and will to tow into positionon the east coast of sabah to act as staging outpost in the high seas and toprovide a permanent presence in the area nearer to the border. involvement and presence of the royal navy in the off shore watersoff the east coast.with all these build up in personnel and facilities in the area the confidencesin the resorts on the island are high and operations are all back to normal andare in full swing to welcome our valued guests. 翻译了一下:(如有错误请见谅.绞尽脑汁了)如今已自上次报告事件入侵到沙巴东海岸的水域的三个多月.自上一次事件后,许多安全措施加强到位,防止进一步的攻击的影响.这些措施的效果,在群岛周围和岛上依然能感觉到:1.保安的数量和巡逻的频率增加.基于群岛额外的巡逻艇.周边岛屿几乎每晚有直升机侦察飞行.固定翼飞机频繁的空中侦察.海上夜间旅行实行宵禁.所有这些措施直至目前都仍然在执行.政府承诺会进一步加强在安全执法,更多的长久的措施被引入作为永久作战和海上演习基地,比如:1.两个石油钻井平台被安装,将拖到沙巴东海岸的位置,在边境作为公海永久补给站.皇家海军在近海水域的东海岸参与和存在.所有这些人员和设施加强,周边恢复了正常,以增强旅游胜地的信心,全力欢迎我们尊贵的客人.smart是马布岛沙滩木屋度假村,与卡帕莱马达京邦邦岛等都距离很近,都是仙本娜周边的海岛,所以这个地区的安保大概都是这种状态.希望对你有帮助.--来自:潜游时光