We picked up our Ferry here to take us to Castaway Island Resort. The port was a little confusing because our transfer from the airport was late. When we arrived we secured our reserved tickets for our departing boat. We only had about 10 minutes to hit the grocery store on the dock. This will probably be the last time you see a grocery store for a while so choose wisely. I recommend some snacks and adult beverages. The local Fiji rum is quite good and cheap too.
我们是在Novotel酒店前台预定了两日后的小岛一日游船票。小岛一日游有几个选择,我们选择了Rosie Holidays代售的Captain Cook Cruises公司的Tivua Island Day Cruise每人189FJD,刷卡多交3%的费用。其实在港口有各种各样的游船公司在招揽生意,在酒店订的好处是包了酒店的接送的。
DENARAU岛上有两种巴士,一种叫BULA BUS只在岛内转,另一种是WEST BUS(黄色)可以去主岛任何酒店,码头及NADI市中心 (10天的行程, 我除了步行, 就是坐这个.)