请问澳签在职证明是不是很重要。各方神圣都说“We guarantee that she will abide by the laws in your country and regulations and return to China on time .”这句话很重要,可是公司人事说不能做这个保证,必须把这句话删掉才能盖章。删掉的话这个在职证明的重要性不就大大降低了么……求教,该肿么办?
贵公司的HR也忒把自己当回事了,也是许他们觉得让公司担保你不合适。不妨换个说法试试,把我的发给你参考。 我是用法定年假去的,没有再多请假,所以我司很顺利给我出证明。这句话是我自己翻译的英文,可能不是很准确,但是办签证很顺利: He is permitted to take a vacation to visit his daughter in Australia in March and April 2013 for about 20 days. We will keep his position in our company. He will continue to work in our company after he comes back to China. All the expenses including health insurance will be borne himself. 现在我已经回来了,在写游记, http://bbs.qyer.com/thread-792171-1.html
请问澳签在职证明是不是很重要。各方神圣都说“We guarantee that she will abide by the laws in your country and regulations and return to China on time .”这句话很重要,可是公司人事说不能做这个保证,必须把这句话删掉才能盖章。删掉的话这个在职证明的重要性不就大大降低了么……求教,该肿么办?
He is permitted to take a vacation to visit his
daughter in Australia in March and April 2013 for about 20 days. We will keep his
position in our company. He will continue to work in our company after he comes
back to China. All the expenses including health insurance will be borne himself.