卢浮宫上这样说的:18-25 year-old residents of the European Economic Area 凡尔赛宫是这样说的:European Union citizens ages 18 to 25 (inclusive) with proof of age and citizenship 我现在有匈牙利一年工作签证 然后有一年的居住证 25岁以下 算不算European Union citizens?
卢浮宫上这样说的:18-25 year-old residents of the European Economic Area 凡尔赛宫是这样说的:European Union citizens ages 18 to 25 (inclusive) with proof of age and citizenship 我现在有匈牙利一年工作签证 然后有一年的居住证 25岁以下 算不算European Union citizens?