2013 年法律,所有歐盟國家都通用,違法者罰款最低150€。 Rear-facing seats (Group or 0+) These seats are for children up to 18 months or 13kg. They face away from the direction of travel and incorporate a harness with shoulder straps connecting to a strap between the legs, securing the whole body of the passenger. Often called “baby seats”, they should never be fitted in a front seat when the airbag is activated.
2013 年法律,所有歐盟國家都通用,違法者罰款最低150€。
Rear-facing seats (Group or 0+)
These seats are for children up to 18 months or 13kg. They face away from the direction of travel and incorporate a harness with shoulder straps connecting to a strap between the legs, securing the whole body of the passenger. Often called “baby seats”, they should never be fitted in a front seat when the airbag is activated.
這是安全問題,只有國內對此了解不深,歐美國家對兒童保䕶非常重視。你家小朋友需要的child seat 租車時提出。坐在後位,不可面對駕駛員。