Web Check-in Service
Check-in online and avoid the airport counter line! With Cebu Pacific’s web check-in service, you can go the web and check-in for your flight 48 hours up to 4 hours before your departure time. Learn more about this exciting product that will greatly cut down on your transaction time in the airport below.
Web Check-in Service FAQs
1. When will the web check-in service be available?
Cebu Pacific web check-in service is already available in all of Cebu Pacific Airbus flights systemwide. You may check-in online for your flight 48 hours up to 4 hours before departure time.
2. How can I check-in online?
Please go to our site, and click on the Manage
Booking icon. Choose the web check-in tab and start checking in for your flight!
Booking 区输入信息进入个人信息页后,没有看到checkin的tab,这个是在距离预定航班48小时内才会出现的么?如果是,到时是否会继续弹出选择座位的步骤?按照广告信息所说,到时候选座位会免费分配一个座位?一个单子上的两人应该可以分到一起吧?
3. Is there a web check-in fee?
There is no fee for checking in online.
9. What time do I need to be at the airport if I have checked baggage? Where should I go?
If you are a Go Fare guest, you need to be at the web check-in counter at least 45 minutes before departure time. However, we would strongly suggest that you come in earlier than that as security and Immigration checks may take quite some time.
另外,应该可以在web checkin的时候补买行李吧,我看Manage
Booking 里是有这项的。想必不少人当初抢票都没有买。
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