写信给IRCTC,邮箱地址:care@irctc.co.in,请求他们给一个手机OTP,英文沟通邮件如下: Dear IRCTC, I can not registe on your website because I do not have an India mobile number. Attached please find the copy of my passport. My IRCTC ser id is xxxxxxx. Please kindly help me to obtain a mobile verification code and provide me a mobile number. Thank you in advance. 记得一定要要附上你的护照电子版在附件中。
Dear IRCTC, I can not registe on your website because I do not have an India mobile number. Attached please find the copy of my passport. My IRCTC ser id is
xxxxxxx. Please kindly help me to obtain a mobile verification code and provide me a mobile number.
Thank you in advance.