不知道angela_hguo为神马说我乱讲.希望我查到的资料没有误导在马来西亚的官方主页上,给与中国游客的落地签,只限于有泰国和新加坡签证的游客,入境地段仅限于:a)吉隆坡国际机场b)新马第二通道visa-on-arrival will be given only to foreign nationals who already have a visa to enter singapore or thailand.however, the following conditions apply:1. the visa will be specifically for tourist purposes only and is valid for a duration period of 14 days. extension of visa is not allowed. 2. must have a confirmed return ticket and 3. point of entry isa) the kuala lumpur international airport orb) the sultan abu bakar complexs, tanjung kupang