1.关于冬宫门票,如果不是旺季去的话,不需要换票,拿着票直接进门就可以了,别退了,应该没问题。2.叶宫门票的问题请看这里:http://tkt.tzar.ru/en/rules Please note: your voucher is not a ticket. In order to exchange it for an actual entry ticket, you have to present a proof of identity document (such as a passport, driver’s license, etc, see Clause 4.2 of the User Agreement) along with your printed voucher (or state your voucher’s number, provided in the email you received) at: – (during winter season October to April) Ticket Office No.4 in the Main Vestibule of the Catherine Palace, which you enter from the Catherine Park; – (during summer season May to September) Ticket Booth near the Church Gate, through which you will enter the Catherine Palace after you exchange your voucher for an actual entry ticket. 需要换票,10月到次年4月在4号窗口,5月到9月在教堂门口的售票处换票。