物超所值才定的,才人民币两三百,虽然只睡了3个半个钟头,可是床真的很脏,床单上有污渍,可是实在太困了,- 穿着睡衣还是躺了上去,定的池景房,不过到的时候已经半夜12点多,外面神马环境根本没看。房间还大的,住- 的走廊最尽头的房间,还安静的,走的时候(早上4点)搭电梯,发现还好没住在电梯附近,电梯附近的房间好吵- ,不知哪来的音乐声音很大!房间里有好几只蚊子,不过空调打上后就不大咬人了,空调风口是对人吹的。洗浴- 用品最好自带,看上去挺差的。如果和我们一样只是为了转个机有个地方睡上几个小时,可以考虑,如果是有别的- 要求就不要考虑这家了。 1. bed is very dirty. 2. the 客房s near the elevator are very noisy, do ask for the 客房 far away from the elevator. 3.don"t know the enviroment cause i stayed only 3-4 hours just for transit. if you just want to find a place to sleep couple hours, it"s your choice, if you have any other requirment, don"t choose this one.
1. bed is very dirty.
2. the 客房s near the elevator are very noisy, do ask for the 客房 far away from the elevator.
3.don"t know the enviroment cause i stayed only 3-4 hours just for transit.
if you just want to find a place to sleep couple hours, it"s your choice, if you have any other requirment, don"t choose this one.