关于3月以后不能定夜船 邮件回复如下:
Dear sir/madam
Thank you for visiting ANEK LINES website.
In reply to your e-mail, we inform you that the itineraries are settled until the 24/2, that is why you still can't see the departures, after this date.
We inform you, that we expect for the March itineraries to be settled sometime near the middle of February, so please try again visiting our website, sometime during that period.
Pleased to be of any help and call us for any assistance
Best regards
Vasilandonaki Maria
AB2 inside 是没有卫生间的吧?
而且不是上下铺 是两个下铺对么?
AH2 OUTSIDE是有独卫的 上下铺对么?