1. 我想和另外一个妈妈带着各自的孩子一起去
签证填写下面信息的时候同行人员是不是也要把朋友和她的孩子一起写上?Travelling companionsAre there any other persons travelling with the applicant to Australia?是不是选 Yes,然后写上朋友和她孩子的信息?2. 不随行的家庭成员里除了写上孩子爸爸,还需要写爷爷奶奶姥姥姥爷及我的兄弟姐妹等等这些人么?Non-accompanying members of the family unitDoes the applicant have any members of their family unit not travelling to Australia who are not Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents?YesFamily name Given names Date of birth Relationship3. 填职业信息的时候,下面这个 Occupation grouping 是不是选 Professionals?(我的职位是软件工程师), 还是要选 Other,然后在自己填写 Software Engineer??几个选项:ManagersProfessionalsTechnicians and Trades WorkersCommunity and Personal Service WorkersClerical and Administrative WorkersSales WorkersMachinery Operators and DriversLabourersOther
3、选 Professionals即可