我从SBB上面查出, 从interlaken 到
少女峰的总价格呢) 不会上山还有什么门票吧
雪朗峰 的价格,提示如下,那这个到底多少钱呢。 还有一个问题,如果早上八点爬,下午2点左右做黄金线,1月初天气会不会黑了?
ear customer,
Sorry! No connections have been found that correspond to your request. It is possible that the requested service does not operate from or to the places you stated on the requested date of travel (e.g. because some services do not stop at certain places on weekends).
You can check this by viewing the the arrivals/departures tables for Interlaken Ost and Schilthorn .
Thank you