7月份 和LP从墨尔本取车 然后走大洋路到瓦南布尔 然后掉头往东 走A1沿东海岸直上 最后在 凯恩斯 还车 一路
行程很爽 这个略去不表 同学们都有自己的精彩体会
回国后收到两单信用卡的扣款通知 要银行追查后 描述如下 请了解的大侠 指点 谢谢
the customer hired a vehicle with our company to travel from 6 August 2009 to 22 August 2009 ,pick in melbourne and drpo-off in cairns . during this time the customer in curred a road toll while travelling on citylink in melbourne
the charge of USD51.00 represents:
the cost of the toll paid by us on the customer's behalf(usd18.24)
plus an administration fee for the road toll(usd32.76)which is stated in hte rental conditions, hte terms ande conditions wer explained to the customer when the vehicle was collected and prior to signing.
我理解是什么地方的过路过桥费 不知道对否 但墨尔本附近没看到哪写着要交费用呀