VFTF签证的获取前提: 你拥有有效期在一个月以上的澳大利亚,加拿大,德国,日本,新西兰,瑞士,英国,美国的单次或多次签证,并且经新加坡前往该国. 如果是多次签证,那么来回两段只能选择一段在新加坡停留96小时,要么去,要么回. 如果是单次签证,那么只能在回程经新加坡回国的途中停留) Additional Information: (补充说明)- Leaving the transit area is allowed under the Visa Free Transit Facility (VFTF). 凭VFTF可以出机场- Hotel accommodation is available within the transit area of Singapore Changi Airport (SIN). 樟宜机场的转机区域内有酒店住宿- There are no international airside transfer facilities available between Singapore Changi (SIN) Terminals 1, 2 and 3 and the Budget Terminal. 跨航站楼国际转机是不行滴,特别是廉航航站楼,要注意你的转机航站楼,如果要跨航站楼转机,需要入境再出境(而这对于非VFTF情况下是不可以的)
Additional Information: (补充说明)- Leaving the transit area is allowed under the Visa Free Transit Facility (VFTF). 凭VFTF可以出机场- Hotel accommodation is available within the transit area of Singapore Changi Airport (SIN). 樟宜机场的转机区域内有酒店住宿- There are no international airside transfer facilities available between Singapore Changi (SIN) Terminals 1, 2 and 3 and the Budget Terminal. 跨航站楼国际转机是不行滴,特别是廉航航站楼,要注意你的转机航站楼,如果要跨航站楼转机,需要入境再出境(而这对于非VFTF情况下是不可以的)