顺便附上拒签信部分理由和内容:he limited level of your close personal ties in china are such that i consider there is little incentive for you to return to China.
while you are employed,i do not consider your employment circumstances to be a strong incentive for you to return to china.
you are of working age,i consider that your employment circumstances do not consititute strong incentive to ensure that you will comply with visa conditions in Australia.
you have provided no evidence that you have adequate funds ,or acceess to adequate funds,for personal support during the period of the visit.
you have provided no evidence that you are receiving a regular income and i consider this circumstance may induce you to remain Australia and overstay your visa.
review rights
you have not stated in your application that you have at least one close relative (parent ,spouse child,brother or sister)in australia who is a citizen or permanent resident of australia ,a decision did not include the particulars of a close relative who is a citizen or permanent resident of Australia in the application is not a decision that can be reviewed by the Migration Review Tribunal(seciton 338 of the Migration Act 1958)
please note that no further assessment of this application can be taken at this office ,if you sitll wish to visit Australia ,it is open to you lodge a new application if you feel that you can provide sufficient evidence that you meet the criteria for the grant of a visitor visa.i encourage you to carefully consider this option before lodging a new application ,as there is no refund of an application charge just because an application is not successsful,without prejudice to the outcome of any new application. experience shows that if new applicatin does not contain any new information,it is unlikely that the dicision would be any different any previous application