2014.8月去的,上面完全没人管的,夏天你上去灰蒙蒙,就像雾霾,根本不像宣传片可以看到天际线;还特地选的夕阳时段,不好看;官网我订的大人是130迪拉姆,小孩是100迪拉姆,汇率是1.7; 官网:The average time it takes to enjoy At the Top is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes however you are welcome to take your time and stay as long as you like up to closing time.;你想呆多久都行
官网:The average time it takes to enjoy At the Top is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes however you are welcome to take your time and stay as long as you like up to closing time.;你想呆多久都行