[澳洲拒签信] 大龄单身女一次访澳经历 外企辞职去当私人幼儿园教师 请大家帮忙分析原因 谢谢
I am a delegated decision maker under Section 65 of the Migration Act 1958 (the
Act). In reaching my decision, I have considered the following:
relevant legislation contained in the
Act and Migration·
Regulations 1994 (the Regulations) collectively “migration law”;
information contained in the
department's Procedures Advice Manual 3;·
documents and information provided by
the applicant(s); and·
other relevant· information held on
departmental files.
Reasons for Decision
Under migration law, an application is made for a class of visa and your
application must be considered against the criteria for all subclasses within
that visa class.
Your application has been considered against the criteria for the following
subclasses within VISITOR visa class.
As you do not meet one or more clauses in Schedule 2 of the Regulations, I find
that you do not meet the criteria for the grant of a VISITOR (Class FA) VISITOR
(Subclass 600) visa.
Therefore, I refuse ...