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这个问题该去留学论坛咯 不过正好看见个帖子 就粘过来了(感谢zoeloveroy )

2. Application Form

这个只要真实的填就好了,不用全部大写,用不用黑的笔也无所谓。我在教育展上填的,用的是蓝色圆珠笔,其他的学校也是提供的蓝色圆珠笔。不过如果是你自己从网上下载的表来填,那就照要求吧。不过用不着用Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional 来填。如果你要申请美国的学校,听说必须用Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional。申请澳洲就别麻烦了。我的Macquarie University International Scholarship Application Form就是用Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional填的,太费时/事了。到处去找Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional下,下到了还不知怎么用,又试了好久,终于搞定了。打出来的确很漂亮,可花的时间不知是手填的多少倍。如果你也像我这样执著,又有时间,也可以用。如果你试了半天也不知道怎么用,就发信到zoeloveroy@sohu.com吧,请在标题中说明,要不然我就当垃圾邮件删了,谢了。



3. 成绩单和学位证、毕业证



我的成绩单的英文是自己翻的,有的是学校给翻,都没关系。不过所有学校给这种成绩单盖章都要收钱,我们学校的是10元一份。成绩单要用印有学校名称的航空信封装,如果没有印有学校名称的航空信封,印有校名的国内普通信封也行,但是密封章信封的两头都要盖。航空信封只有一个开口,当然只盖一个密封章就够了。 注意成绩单是中文一份,英文一份。在信封正面可以贴上打印的标签,表明这个信封里装的是什么。因为加上推荐信,这个申请包里会出现好多个信封,贴个标签可以方便别人。



Name: XX No: XXXXXXXX Faculty: Humanities and Law

Major: Law School Year: Four Years Class: 0001

标签千万别用手写,一定要打印出来。简单的方法是在一张纸上打印好多份,再裁成小条,用胶水贴在信封上。你要不嫌麻烦也可以直接把信封放进打印机里,设置好也可以打出来。还有,标签的字体一定要和成绩单的一致,用的是Times New Roman就都用Times New Roman。虽然是小细节,可是有时也蛮重要的。



英语精读-- College English

英语听力-- English Listening Comprehension

毛泽东思想概论-- Introduction to Mao Zedong’s Thoughts

中国法制史-- Chinese Legal History

中国宪法学-- Chinese Constitutional Law

法理学-- Jurisprudence

经济应用数学-- Applied Economic Mathematics

形式逻辑-- Logics

大学语文-- College Chinese

思想品德-- Ethical Education

体育-- Physical Education

书法-- Calligraphy

民法-- Civil Law

刑法-- Criminal Law

马克思主义哲学-- Philosophy of Marxism

现代科学技术概论-- Introduction to Modern Science and Technology

军事理论-- Military Theory

计算机文化基础-- Basic Application of Computer

应用文写作-- Practical Writing

西方法律思想史-- Western History of Legal Thoughts

社会学-- Sociology

化学与社会-- Chemistry and Society

绘画-- Drawing

民事诉讼法-- Civil Procedure Law

政治经济学-- Political Economics

经济法-- Economic Law

法医学-- Legal Medicine

中国法律思想史-- Chinese History of Legal Thoughts

经济学原理-- Principles of Economics

认知实习-- Cognition Practice

当代世界政治与经济-- Contemporary World Politics and Economy

刑事诉讼法-- Criminal Procedure Law

证据学-- Law Science of Evidence

婚姻法与继承法-- Law of Marriage and Succession

文献检索-- Bibliography

英语四级-- CET-4

传统中国-- Traditional China

邓小平理论概论-- Introduction to Deng xiaoping’s Theories

国际法-- International Law

合同法-- Contract Law

司法文书-- Judicial Documents

会计学原理-- Principles of Accounting

英语六级-- CET-6

期货市场-- Futures Markets

学年论文-- Seminar Thesis

国际私法-- International Private Law

行政与行政诉讼法-- Administrative Law

国际经济法-- International Economical Law

外国法制史-- Foreign Legal History

劳动法与社会保障法-- Labor Law and Social Security Law

证券期货法-- Law of Securities and Futures

房地产法-- Real Estate Law

竞争法-- Anti-unfair Competition Law

商法案例分析-- Analysis of Commercial Cases

仲裁法-- Arbitration Law

知识产权法-- Intellectual Property Law

法律英语-- Legal English

环保法-- Environmental Law

税法-- Taxation Law

毕业实习-- Legal Internship

毕业论文-- Graduation Thesis


备注:1. 优 = 90 - 100,良= 80 - 89,中 = 70 - 79,及格 = 60 - 69

2. GPA算法:90 - 100 = 4,80 - 89 = 3,70 - 79 = 2,60 - 69 = 1

3. *为选修课,其成绩分为合格与不合格两种

Note: 1. A = 90 - 100, B = 80 - 89, C = 70 - 79, D= 60 – 69

2. GPA: 90 - 100 = 4, 80 - 89 = 3, 70 - 79 = 2, 60 - 69 = 1

3. ﹡means selective courses, which are evaluated by qualified (Q) and unqualified (U)





然后把学位证和毕业证翻译好,打在A4 纸上。记住,一定要加边框。接着在把打印出来的两个证缩印成B、D的尺寸分别贴在B、D处。或者打印的时候就只打出那么大一块,再裁出来分别贴在B、D处。注意字尽量打大一些,免得复印时印不清楚。

最后把A、B、C、D都贴满的A4 纸再复印一次,就做好了。剩下的就是在中间E的位置盖上学校的章。边框这时就很重要了,因为章要改在四个角上。






Certificate of a Bachelor Degree

(English Copy)

XX, female/male, born on XXXX, XXXX, has completed courses of study in the Department of XXXX of XXXX University,

majoring in Law during September 2000 to July 2004. Thereupon, she/he was approved to graduate from the university.

Having been verified, it also conforms to “the Requirements of the Regulations regarding the Academic Degree of the

People’s Republic of China”. She/He is conferred upon the Degree of Bachelor of Law.


Date: July 2nd, 2004

President: XXX

XXXX University



(English Copy)

XX, female/male, born on XXXX, XXXX, was an undergraduate student majoring in Law in the Department of Humanities and Law of XXXX University during September 2000 to July 2004. She/He has completed all the prescribed four-year

undergraduate courses, passed all the examinations and is entitled to be a graduate of XXXX University.

President of XXXX University

No .XXXXXXXXXXXX Date: July 2nd, 2004



Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree

(Graduation from Regular Program for General Higher Education)


(Steel Seal of XXXX University)

XX, male/female, born on XX XX 19XX, finishing his/her studies for the four-year undergraduate program in the specialty of

Law at Humanities & Law Department of XXXX University from September 2000 to July 2004, has already graduated. He/She is awarded Bachelor’s Degree of Art after verified according to the Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on Academic Degree.

XXXX University

Chairman of the Committee of Academic Degree Assessment: XXX

(Signature Seal)

2nd July 2004

Certificate No.: XXXXXXXXXXX

Graduation Certificate


(Steel Seal of XXXX University)

Student XX, male/female, born on XX XX 19XX, having studied in four-year undergraduate program in the specialty of Law

at Humanities & Law Department in this university from September 2000 to July 2004, and has completed all the regulated

courses with qualified standing, is hereby awarded Graduation Certificate.

XXXX University (Seal) Principal: XXX (Signature Seal)

Certificate No.: XXXXXXXXXXX 2nd July 2004

注意:Photograph 周围的框是像一个一寸照片那么大的,不是我画的那么小。(我不知道怎么用WORD把那个框画成那样)





Name of Student:

Date of Birth:



Signature of Student: ___________________________ Date: ________________________


This is to certify that Ms. /Mr.________ exactly ranked the _______ from the top in the Department of _____among ______students at the end of her /his academic year in 2004.


This is to certify that Ms. /Mr.________’ s cumulative grade point average was_____(%) at the end of her /his academic year in 2004.

Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _________________________


Position: Student Counselor (辅导员,你也可以写其他有关的人)


Place the official university / department seal here:

注意, 这其中除了签名和日期外都应打印出来。还有打印的纸最好用带有系或学校信头的纸,如果实在没有可以自己做一个,用彩色打印机打出来。具体做法在推荐信那部分教大家。

5. 雅思成绩单










Marital Status: Single

Health: Excellent

Date of Birth:

Citizenship: Chinese

Languages: Chinese and English, fluent in spoken and written


Telephone: 86 - 28 –



Bachelor of Law, XXXX University July 2004


Civil Law, Criminal Law, Commercial Law, Corporation Law, Contract Law, International Economic Law, Intellectual Property

Law, Taxation Law, Principles of Accounting, Legal English, etc.


Recipient of People Scholarship for the undergraduate, XXXX University 2001-2004

Recipient of Cheng Yuan Scholarship, XXXX University 2003

Third Prize, National English Contest for College Students 2003

Counselor, Consulting Service Activity in the community 2001-2003

Member, Model Court Club, XXXX University 2000-2003

Member, Comic Club, XXXX University 2000-2002

Founder &. Art Editor, Nong Chao Literature Club, XXXX University 2000-2002


7.5 IELTS Oct.2004

915 TOEIC Dec.2003

Level Two Professional English Proficiency Dec.2003

647 TOEFL Oct.2003

84(%) College English Test Band 6 (CET-6) Jan.2003

89(%) College English Test Band 4 (CET-4) June 2002


English Trainer Apr. 2004 – July. 2004


Intern Legal Assistant Feb. 2004 - Mar. 2004

Guang Sheng Law Firm

English Teaching Assistant summer/winter vacations, 2002-2004

Beijing Yuncol Network Training School

English Tutor 2001-2004

Students’ apartments

Intern Clerk summer vacation, 2001

the court of Jin Niu District, Chengdu


MS Word MS PowerPoint MS Excel MS Internet Explorer


Calligraphy, Comic, Sketch,

Cycling, traveling, reading, Language studies, etc.

REFERENCES: furnished on request

Signature: Date:

注意:1. 姓名和e-mail等你认为重要的信息可以加粗以强调。

2. 在最后加上Signature: Date: ,并用手写填上,显得很别致。

3. 简历和个人陈述是很个性化的材料,你可以选择你觉得好看的字体,别老局限在Times New Roman。我推荐的字体是Verdana和Arial,这两种都挺好看的,而且据说外国人很喜欢。

7. 个人陈述



Personal Statement

In my desk drawer, beneath stacks of books and stationery, is a small saving box with a lock on it. In it are the “slips of my wishes and dreams”. I have kept it for more than sixteen years. It was a birthday present from my parents when I was

seven. Originally, with the hope that I could learn the spirit of frugality they advised me to save part of my pocket money in its abdomen for better utilities later. As a curious kid, however, I spent every coin I had to try whatever intrigued me, a

colorful pencil, a new type of candies, and never dropped one coin into it. Instead, with an inspiration one day, I started

the habit of writing all the things I wanted most out of life down on slips of paper and stuffing them into this empty box. Till

now, I can not remember how many wishes and dreams I have saved in it for I forget the keys after I tried to put it away


Last Saturday, just after I accomplished my IELTS test, I was putting all the materials about IELTS into my bookcase and

suddenly I touched a hard and cold metal piece under a pack of old textbooks. Excitedly and anxiously, I unlocked my

saving box with it. I pulled out all slips and reviewed them one by one with tears streaming down my cheeks. I embarked on a wonderful journey of recalling - “I wish I could go to Tsinghua University.” “I want to buy daddy a B.M.W..” “I want to be a psychologist.” “I want to be an excellent lawyer.” “I want to be an accountant.” … Every slip has a story behind and

these stories are indispensable components of my life.

“I want to be a psychologist.”

Whoever once was a teenager can understand the “growing pain” during that time. Sometimes desperate, usually feeling

an emptiness in the pit of the stomach, always seeking the so-called meaning of life and searching for one’s identity, these

are symptoms I had when I was sixteen and seventeen. I retreated far into myself and suffered a lot from that experience. What I remembered vividly is the time I was standing on the rooftop, watching the advent of the dusk. The sky was

changing from blue to gray, then to mauve, and finally velvet black whereas the lights behind the windows were kindled one by one. There, behind every bright window, existed an ordinary soul and I was just one of them. Sentimentally, with sorrow and void, I believed I was just an unnoted atomy in the boundless universe and wonder what I was able to achieve

through this.

With great efforts and a long period of time, finally, I overcame the depression and struggled to fulfill my studies. Later on, after watching some television programs about psychology and talking to my friends, I found this feeling was just the

symptom of depression and most teenagers were bound to experience it within a long or short time, depending on their

personalities, abilities to deal with pressures and so on. Unfortunately, every year, because of the depression, some

teenagers commit suicides. Once a victim myself, I felt it was my mission to help them out. With this in mind, I determined to be a psychologist for it was the simplest and easiest way to meet them and help alleviate all the sufferings they had to

endure. Looking back on the past, this experience promised to be a highlight of my young life and a blessing in disguise.

I finally realized “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” and grew a stronger heart. I believe

the hardship I was faced with as a youngster accelerated my maturity and greatly influenced my vast determination to

succeed. Most importantly, however, is that I learned effective interpersonal communication skills and the ability to adapt

myself to harsh situations, which have proven to be essential part of survival today. Now, having undergone the tough test of life, I can swear with confidence that when confusion and chaos appear to reign supreme in my life again, when I face

mountains of challenges once more, I will overcome them and stand above them among the clouds and stars.

“I want to be an excellent lawyer”

Due primarily to its respectable career prospect, my parents made a critical decision for me that I had to go to a Law School. For me, at that time the only thing I knew about the laws and lawyers was the dribs and drabs from some television serials. As soon as I started to study the Jurisprudence in the first semester my expectation about the law was spoiled by crushing disappointment because in the preface of this textbook, a quotation shocked me. It says “The nature of the law is against

all the romantic, interesting and novel ways of thinking.” I always considered myself to be an ingenious and innovative

creature and even in times of pain and loss in the High School, I did not give up these talents and felt proud of them.

Owing to this inimical mood, I obtained very low score in my course of Jurisprudence and Chinese Constitutional Law in the

first semester.

However boring I thought the law would be, as a student, I had no other choice, only to study it and take great efforts to

study it. With time, my huge endeavor resulted in remarkable progress. Except the first semester, I had been the recipient

of People Scholarship for the undergraduate every year. The deeper I learned about the law, the more I was fascinated by

it. Based on the combined strength of legal theories and cases, sociology, commerce, economics etc. my major possesses

an interdisciplinary nature. I found this genre of studies did away with the narrow-mindedness inherent in the pursuit of

studies in a single area and the extensive knowledge provided me with a solid foundation upon which to prepare for a

qualified lawyer. Later, having been an intern legal assistant in a Law Firm and acquired some experience in a local court, I

discovered that being a lawyer was a challenging and richly rewarding experience. Through the course of seeking clues, I

could meet people from various backgrounds and encounter anything beyond a common person’s imagination. Although

complained at first, now I am grateful for my parents because they made a right choice for me.

“I want to be an accountant.”

This idea came to my mind just one year ago. Although, my mother has been an accountant in a government agency for

more than 20 years and I started to get acquainted with accounting even when I was a kid, I took no interest in it. People

always maintain that spending the whole life with numbers, the accountant is an extremely monotonous and tedious job. I

hold the same idea until I took the course called Principles of Accounting. My professor Mr. Jin is a CPA as well as a lawyer.

It is his conviction that an outstanding lawyer is not just the one who is skilled and knowledgeable in his field, but just as

importantly, one who is able to develop his expertise in other relevant field, such as accounting. His advice helped to shape my career choice in Accounting. My fundamental knowledge towards this subject enabled me to learn it quickly and to push myself forward to advanced theories. As I became more and more involved in my course, I found accounting was not just a record of the past, but a guide for the management of future. I realized the potential to eliminate inefficiency through

budget forecasting and thus to avoid financial difficulties. Moreover, being a law student while studying the accounting, I

could easily acquire the essence of the Taxation Law and understand it from an accountant’s perspective.

Now, as a recent graduate from law school and student with elementary accounting background, I am self-driven and

motivated to enrich my theoretical and practical skills through your Program of Accounting which is a prestigious program

across the world. With your first-rate postgraduate education, I believe I will master the knowledge in both fields and

furthermore, by spending two and half years in a native English speaking country, my English will be as good as a local

person. Therefore, on my returning to China in 2007, I will probably become a real talent as my professor hoped and

contribute my strength to the legal and commercial development in China.

By retrospecting the slips in my saving box, I realized my life is just like a melodrama which has its twists and turns or ups

and downs. During the past sixteen years, some of my dreams came true while some of them failed, nonetheless, I have a

clear sense of what I am going to achieve in life and how I can reach them. Now, I am on my way to a new goal and

hopefully, I will reach my dream in your university.

Signature: ________________________ Date: ____________________

其实我的这篇写得也没啥特色,我找我们英语老师给看过,她的评语是:“Your PS is well-organized but not very

attractive. I think it is a bit longer than what is required. Besides, some parts are irrelevant and should be arranged in a

proper way so as to make it coherent and appealing. By the way, you should emphasize your strength and touched your

interest. This PS is scattered and the idea is not focused. You may write it from a different aspect, maybe it could be

better. The diction is okay and the language is polished. Hope to read your improved one.”


跟简历一样,我在最后加上了Signature: Date: 并用手签,显得很特别。而且我在PS上还加了页眉:




8. 推荐信

推荐信只有自己写的份,要老师写是不可能的。我一共写了5封 推荐信。当初的想法是我们系的老师3封,经管院的老师2封(我们上了很多经济方面的指选课和选修课)。如果申请有关法学的学位就用我们系的3封加经管院的1封,如果申请经济方面的就用经管院的2封加我们系的2封。其实不用这么多,一般2封就够了。不过你要是有时间又写得不错,多一点更有说服力嘛。(至少我是这么想的)。

要写好推荐信的关键也是要多找例子来看。新东方出国留学系列的《留学申请推荐信写作模板》(包凡一、王薇编著,世界图书出版公司出版,2003版)对我的帮助很大。 我的很多句子都是源自这本书。注意写的时候一定要举一些例子,别一劲儿地吹。



XXXX 大 学






Department of Law

XXXX University , 100029, P. R. China

Tel: 86 -10 –


Nov. 12th, 2004

Dear Admission officer,

I’m the dean of the Law Department at XXXXUniversity . One of my favorite former students Miss /Mr.XX has informed me

of her intention to pursue graduate studies in your department and it’s my pleasure to write in support of her application.

I have had a good deal of contact with Miss /Mr.XX.over the years, teaching her in two of my courses, Commercial Law and Contact Law. During the semester, more than a hundred students were taking the courses and only after a few classes I

began to pay special attention to her, because almost in every class she sat in front rows. Each time I faced her I could see what a teacher desires most from her students: enthusiasm, concentration and manner of active thinking. Furthermore, I

found that she worked diligently, reading not only the assignment I gave, but also other reference books concerning the

author’s works we were to deal with. This enabled her to be better prepared than her fellow classmates and could put

forward ingenious and well-thought ideas in free discussions. I had always been impressed by her desire to learn about

something for its intrinsic value, rather than being solely concerned with scoring top grades, as some other students clearly do. From the conversations with her, I noticed that she possessed a wide range of interests and demonstrated breadth of

knowledge of various fields, particularly with respect to business affairs. She was also very ambitious and showed great

desire to make achievement in the field of Business Management.

In May 2004, Miss /Mr.XXwas selected to be one of the two participants from our department in the XXXX University Undergraduate Thesis Defense. Her graduation thesis titled the Resolution to the Disputes between Domain Names and Trademarks was just within my study fields and therefore, she asked me to be her advisor in a two-week period besides her tutor.

Despite the fact that few people in China had studied her topic and consequently, the materials that were available on it

were limited and the students of arts were in short of computer science, I found that her thesis displayed creative thinking, but still retained the organization of a disciplined mind. She demonstrated her understanding of the theory at an advanced

level. Through the conversation we shared, I found it quite enjoyable to talk with her because of her provoking comments

and inherent ability to grasp the crux of various problems. In my evaluation, I realized her English proficiency was a

priceless asset in her studies. As many reference texts were written in English, and void of Chinese translation. What is

more, I learned that she already had a very demanding full-time job while she had to do a large number of changes in her

original thesis and review and search the references. Meanwhile, she had to prepare her defense, designing the

PowerPoint according to the thesis, reciting the main part of the thesis. She had to accomplish the above tasks under

great pressure and within limited time. Her ability to remain calm and maintain her easy-going nature and optimism in this

situation made a deep impression in my mind. Because she already had a full-time job at that time, in two urgent moments, I even had to call her back from work to revise her thesis and fill out some form. She handled the incidents with ease and

behaved considerately.

Based on all these facts, I offer you my highest→this recommendation of Miss /Mr.XX., and would appreciate your

favorable consideration of her application.



Dean of Law Department

XXXX University


Professor XXX

Faculty of Humanities and Law

XXXX University


Chaoyang District, BEIJING, 100000


Tel: 86 - 10 -

E-mail: XXX@XXX

Nov. 17th, 2004

RE: Reference letter for Miss /Mr.XX

Dear professors,

My connection with Miss /Mr.XX started in 2000, when I was teaching College English in the Faculty of Humanities and Law.

She was at that time a freshman majored in law. Since then she has been one of my favorite students and close friends. It

has given me great happiness to watch her grow step by step over the time and it is also very exciting to know that I may

have a positive impact upon her future career, by assisting in her efforts to pursue a master’s degree in your department.

As a professor of English, I have seen a great deal of Miss /Mr.XX over the four –year university life and have enjoyed

ample opportunities to observe her many talents. Miss /Mr.XX was an impressive student in many ways. Initially, the

academic results of her English were unspectacular, but through determined effort she made considerable progress, and

since the second semester her English scores had ranked within the top 10 among 120 students in her department,

especially her CET-4 and CET-6 scores. Moreover, she obtained the Third Prize in the 2003 National English Contest for

College Students and her TOEIC score was the No.1 in the university in 2003.

In addition,Miss /Mr.XX’s outstanding adaptability to new situations set her apart from her peers when she was still a

freshman. Just graduated from high school where the teaching modules focus on teacher-driven methods, that is, all

students have to be obedient without voicing different opinions, most students in my class were quiet and gave few

responses to what I talked about, let alone their own viewpoints. Fortunately, Miss /Mr.XX was an exception. She learned

her role in the university within a few weeks and soon became a qualified college student. Miss /Mr.XX is also an excellent

team player and a natural leader. As a cheerful and friendly member of her class, she was well-liked and respected by her

peers. Her optimism and motivation were infectious amongst those she studied with, lifting their spirits and morale. I was so amazed at how she managed to lead all her dormmates who were all shy girls to give us English shows in English classes and

in 2001, the English comedy CINDERLLA which was written and directed by her and played by all her classmates won the

Second Prize in the University English Festival. As time passed by, I was very gratified to see more and more students in

her class become active and talkative.

Meanwhile, being a close friend of hers, I found Miss /Mr.XX a versatile young lady. Miss /Mr.XX has varied interests in her

extracurricular, sketch and calligraphy being her specialties. Her interest in classical literature has played an indispensable

role in promoting her imagination and vocal ability. In addition to that, her determination and perseverance was what

impressed me most. This can be best exemplified in the way she perfected her English. In order to enhance her English

abilities, she approached to any resource she knew, and therefore she became a frequent guest of my family, practicing

oral English with my daughter and me and lingering around my bookcase to seek any meaningful material, etc. In our

numerous private conversations, I learnt that she went to the English corner every Friday and even listened to the English

tapes while she was asleep. Consequently,her English reached the professional level. With these traits, I believe she will

reach whatever challenging goal she dares to dream.

Having now completed four-year university studies and well grounded in the proficiency in English, I believe Miss /Mr.XX will

represent an extraordinary candidate for your program. I trust her academic excellence, spirit of devotion and pleasant

personality warrant your serious consideration of her application. Should there be any way in which I can be of further

assistance in your deliberations, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Yours sincerely,


Professor of the Faculty of Humanities and Law

XXXX University





BEIJING, P. R. CHINA, 100000



Nov. 15th, 2004

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter of recommendation in support of XX, a recent graduate from the Law Department of XXXX University , for admission to your Postgraduate Program of Accounting.

I have been acquainted with XX since she enrolled in the Principles of Accounting course. This course initially began as a trial course, combining the resources of both the Law and Economic Management departments. It is extremely demanding,

especially for the students without the academic background of accounting, as it requires them to possess a very sound

understanding of basic accounting principles as well as competence in the research front of accounting theory.

While many of the students struggled with the coursework, XX appeared to relish this challenge with much confidence and

certainty. Her performance in class was outstanding, revealing a sharp intelligence and easy grasp of the material. Often

setting in the front row, I found her attentive in listening and active in participating in class discussions. I was struck by her

creative thinking and innovative approaches to solving problems. While many of the students saw no further than the

surface answers, she was persistently trying to get beneath that layer, to dig deeper to the true source. Others only

studied to pass the exams, but XX was obviously there to gain much more and her diligence and pursuit of knowledge did

not go unnoticed. Additionally, her ability to integrate academic knowledge into practice was impressive. Curiously, in the

class breakup, I inquired about the reason why she was so absorbed in Accounting and learnt that her mother was an

accountant and even as early as the time she was in junior high school her mother began to teach her the basic knowledge

of Accounting. And then her goal was to pass the 5 courses of CPA examination. Consequently, I was not surprised at her

highest score in the course examination at the end of the term.

I was most impressed however by XX’s dedication and passion for Accounting. I remember distinctly that incident. In a

chilling winter afternoon, my class was right after a P.E. class. I heard from their study advisor that all students in the

department had all their 5 subjects of P.E. tests finished just now and because of the extremely exhausted and

uncomfortable feelings, most students could not attend this class. But later, I was surprised at more than 30 students (

although only 1/3 of the total) appeared in the class. XX was one of them, flush and coughing with a running nose, again

in the front row. I asked her about her test and her feelings and advised her to go back to dormitory to have a rest for she could not concentrate in that condition. To my surprise, she answered seriously that she was willing to stay in that the

contents of this class was the few parts she could not completely understand and nor her mother. She must come to grips

with it and discuss later with her mother.

I believe that XX’s proven academic record, combined with her excellent attributes, makes her a person with enormous

potential and she should be given the opportunity to further her education. I have no doubt that the knowledge and skills

offered by your distinguished Program of Accounting will stand her in good stead in her future career. I strongly ask you to

consider her application positively.

Truly yours,

Prof. XXX

Faculty of Economic Management

XXXX University


Nov. 14th, 2004

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a professor in the Faculty of Economic Management of XXXX University . I have known Miss XX for more than one year and believe her to be a dedicated student. When she recently approached me about her decision to continue her studies, I was pleased to speak on her behalf. My hope is that the insight I am able to provide will fully make clear the caliber of the

lady that is applying to your program of Accounting.

I taught Miss XX Taxation Law in her senior year. Although just an optional course, she left me with a deep impression of

her intellect, devotion and passion for the subject. Because of the reason that most students were engaged in the

preparation for the Graduate School Entrance Examination, few people selected my course in the semester and thus I could enjoy a lot more interactions with my 20 students, especially with Miss XX, the one always sitting in the front row.

Needless to say, teaching a course as complicated as Taxation Law in only 36 academic hours is far from enough and thus

the students have to do a great deal of extra work after class if they want to master the course. I discovered that Miss XX

had quickly grasped the basic foundation that I taught in the class and went off on her own to study more advanced

theories. As an independent learner, she absorbed new theories quickly and linked them with previous concepts in a logical manner. Meanwhile, this course emphasized practical skills, with lots of in-class discussion. She usually had many questions

and had also developed her own hypotheses, which apply both theory as well as practical knowledge to a problem.

Because I want to make my course more practical and flexible, I did not use a standard textbook. Hence, I also did not use

the conventional examination of rogue memorization to determine the course grade. I had students analyze examples and

cases I did not talk about in class and had them provide their solutions themselves. Because Chinese students are typically

used to rogue memorization, this kind of examination frustrated many good students in the conventional sense. To my

delight, Miss XX did not have difficulty giving in-depth analyses to the problems and provide suitable solutions within a short

time. She was first to submit the paper and scored the highest in the class.

I believe with a seasoned education at your renowned accounting program, Miss XX will undoubtedly blossom in grandeur.

Her academic and personal development has been exceptional. Now, she only needs fertile soil to branch to her greater

potential. Convinced in her excellent abilities, I unequivocally recommend her for admission to your graduate program in


Sincerely yours,

Professor XXX

Faculty of Economic Management

XXXX University

XXXX District, Beijing, 100000

P. R. China

Tel: 86 - 10 -

E-mail: XXX@XXX


Nov. 7th, 2004

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter of recommendation in support of XX, a recent graduate from the Law Department of XXXX

University , for admission to your Graduate School. XX was enrolled in my International Economic Law course last year and

in the first half of this year, she came under my direct supervision while completing her undergraduate thesis. I had

numerous chances to interact with her and observe her qualities in the duration of one year.

My first impression of XX when she was taking my International Economic Law course was that she was a very diligent

student with an intense drive to pursue knowledge for she often sat within the first few rows and frequently raised

questions (some of them were very challenging) in or after the class. Later on, from the conversation with her, I found out

that she read many reference materials in both her major and related fields and she also exhibited distinctive insight into

legal affairs and social events. Therefore, the fact that she earned the second highest score in the final examination of my

course was within my expectations.

The following experience as her thesis tutor made me become more acquainted with XX. Her thesis topic was the Resolution to the Disputes between Domain Names and Trademarks. Although a brand new topic, she did not put off her perseverance at reaching into fiery current issues. Her comprehensive review of leading legal thoughts with insightful analysis of the

social repercussion was first-rate. Based on her acquired breadth of legal and philosophical knowledge, I believe XX had

grasped a higher enlightened state in legal understanding, beyond that of her fellow classmates. Meanwhile, through the

exchange of her thoughts with me during the process of writing the thesis, I found that she had an unusual intuition, for

she seldom failed to find the right way to approach a problem, and often promptly related subjects that were relevant to

each other. I also noted that she always paid attention to overall view first before focusing on details. She really has

peculiar but logical way of thinking. Moreover, XX has an inherent ability to express his opinion both on paper and in speech and thus her undergraduate thesis defense in June this year subsequently proved to be a great success.

Review what XX had fulfilled during the past one year, I am fully convinced that she is well prepared intellectually and

emotionally to pursue her further education in your program. If you need more detailed information about XX, please feel

free to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. XX

Department of Law

XXXX University

Beijing, 100000, P. R. China

Tel: 86-10-

E-mail: XX@XXX


1. 由于你要让申请的学校认为这些信是出自不同人之手,所以这些信在字体、间距、字号、格式上要有些区别。别让人一看就知道是出自同一个人之手。

2. 信中一定要提到你的全名。比如你叫张三,就一定要在第一段提到Zhang San/ San Zhang/Mr. Zhang San/Mr. San

ZHANG( 根据习惯,你也可以在每封信里用一种来制造区别)。而且最好每段首都提一下你的全名,后面再用Mr. Zhang代替。

3.信要装在信封里,折信的方法也可以用多种方法以制造区别。一般也是用印有学校名的航空信封装,压着封口让老师签字,中英文随他们的习惯,但是一定要和信封里的签名一样。而信封里的签名如果是英文,一定要和下面打出的英文顺序一样。比如下面打的是San Zhang,老师就最好别签成 Zhang San。 这些细节一定要注意。如果学校没有航空信封,用印有校名的国内信封也一样,但要让老师在两头都要签名。



① Recommendation Letter

Applicant: Miss XX

② Letter of Recommendation for Miss XX

③ Letter of recommendation for XX

④ Reference Letter

Applicant’s Name:XX

Referee’s Name and Title: Professor XXX



还有印有自己地址和姓名的中英文标签(self adhesive name and address labels in English and Chinese characters)。这个可以用那种A4 纸大小的不干胶纸来打印。这种不干胶纸大一点的文具店都有卖(大概20多元一包)。做这个的目的是防止寄丢了。不过学校一般都用DHL给你寄过来,一般用不上。放在申请包里以防万一嘛。

10. 寄信


还有就是寄平信,大概一封40元左右。当时我可傻了,因为航空信封只有5号和7号,大的7号信封只有A4 纸的一半大,要把所有材料对折才能装进去。我就觉得特别奇怪,因为有人告诉我材料千万别折。最后我只有到邮局的柜台去问怎么才能不折就把材料寄出去。原来用我们平时用的那种牛皮纸大信封就可以了,不过格式要用写在航空信封上的那种,寄信人写上面,收信人写下面。这种信要在邮局柜台上寄。
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