威尼斯的票,正好是周六,看到有CartaFreccia Day的offer,2个人付一个人的钱,很想买,可是因为要填Carta Fedelta code 和company code,不知道怎样才能买到?我我在网上看到曾经有前辈说过要先申请这个freccia day卡,可是没有看到怎样申请?我在意铁的网站上也没有找到相应的申请的地方。
Sabato Italiano
If you are travelling between 2/04/2011 and 27/08/2011, you can avail of our great offer “Sabato Italiano”, which allows you to travel on Saturdays with a one-way ticket valid for two people, at the full base price for one person, both in 1st and 2nd class, on all national trains and on international trains, only for domestic routes. Couchette, sleeping carriage services, Excelsior and Excelsior E4 are not included in the offer.
The Sabato Italiano offer can be booked up to the day before departure at ticket desks at train stations, at authorised travel agencies, self-service ticket machines, on this website or through our call centre (non toll-free number).
Cartafreccia Day 只限持有Carta Freccia的旅客购买,7/5~11/6的星期六有半价。Carta Freccia 是Trenitalia的里程会籍卡,只限居住在意大利的人士申请入会。