While you are employed, i do not consider your employment circumstances to be a strong incentive for you to return to China. 工作没有强力的促使回国的因素
You are of working age.I consider that your employment circumstances do not constitute strong incentive to ensure that you will comply with visa conditions in Australia.工龄少,没有强力促使回国的因素
While you have provided personal funds evidence,I do not consider it is suffcient to demonstrate that there is incentive for you to return to China.资产证明没有强力促使回国的因素
You have provided no evidence that you are receiving a regular income and I consider this circumstance may induce you to remain in Australia and overstay your visa.没有证明有定期收入.
As a result of the above,I cannot be satisfied that a genuine visit is intended and therefore must refuse your application.
Tourist Visa Application Checklist
Visa Rejection Letter 3年前拒签过.
Extra Description of Visa Rejection Letter& Translation
Application form &Visa application charge
Form 48RCHS in English and signed & Two recent passport type photographs
Family Composition Form 54 completed in English and signed
Visa application charge
Personal information
1.Letter to Visa Officer of Australia Embassy& Translation
3.Copy of Passport's First Page
4.Three recent passport type photographs
5.Copy of Registered Residence & Translation
6.Copy of ID card & Translation
7.3 of business cards
Work information
1.Employment certification letter& Translation(工作半年,年薪7W2.专业外汇公司跟ICON是合作公司)
2.Copy of Company’s Business License
3.Copy of Company’s Certificate of Organization Code
4.Company brochure
Assets information
1.Copy of Personal Certificate of Deposit in China Construction Bank (临时5W定期半年证明)
2.Evidence of personal savings history in China Construction Bank(余额3W,1年存取清单)
3.Copy of Changsha Commercial Housing Purchasing Contract& Invoice& Translation(购房证明.按揭已付30W)
4.Copy of Vehicle registrations& Invoice(BMW X3 不过是我妈的名字)
5.Copy of Personal Certificate of Deposit in China Construction Bank(My mother)(临时5W半年证明)
6.Evidence of personal savings history in China Industrial Bank(My mother)(1年清单)
7.Copy of Housing Ownership Certificate of the P. R. C.(My mother)(房产证)
8.Copy of stock exchange lists(My mother)(股票交割单.没有钱了.不过能看到资金流量)
9.Copy of Vehicle registrations& Invoice(My mother)(小车.)
10.Business License For Individual Industrial and Commercial Household(My mother)
11.Letter of Supporting& Translation(出资证明)
Tourist information
Inviter's Letter to the Case Officer
Australia Travel Schedule& Translation
Air ticket reservation
Copy of Inviter’s Passport& Visa
Copy of Inviter’s List of Transactions
Copy of Inviter’s Student certificate
The photo of me and inviter
The phone bill record
Other information
Copy of Criminal Judgment& Translation