Applicable to all countries (save for Cuba, and Macedonia) that are not granted visa-free entry into Korea.
Applicable to…
Those with a visa or a re-entry permit for U.S., Japan, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand (5 countries) and traveling to any one of those countries through Korea.
Those traveling from any one of the five countries mentioned above, whose final destination is not Korea.
Must have a confirmed onward flight ticket for departure within 30 days after entering Korea, in addition to having no record of criminal offence in the five countries mentioned above.
Applicable to all countries (save for Cuba, and Macedonia) that are not granted visa-free entry into Korea.
Applicable to…
Those with a visa or a re-entry permit for U.S., Japan, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand (5 countries) and traveling to any one of those countries through Korea.
Those traveling from any one of the five countries mentioned above, whose final destination is not Korea.
Must have a confirmed onward flight ticket for departure within 30 days after entering Korea, in addition to having no record of criminal offence in the five countries mentioned above.
看了几票,YYZ-PVG,加航CAD680.KE CAD840.后面可能加航涨价,不如去SEUOL.各位有
首儿去上海是上午八点多,如何去机场.有何景点推荐? ”
不用 你可以免签在韩国停留30天
首尔好玩的去处..南山塔 明洞 仁寺洞 韩屋之类的
因为我不太确定你是喜欢哪些类型的 个人而言 首尔适合女生购买化妆品(比如我)
其他首尔的观光其实一般般 韩国风光好的地方真不在首尔
去机场的话 你可以乘坐机场大巴 或者地铁 个人喜欢机场大巴 线路多班次也多
不过你要是回上海的话 其实也可以从金浦机场飞虹桥呀 近一点 仁川机场离首尔还是有点距离的
Eligible countries
Applicable to all countries (save for Cuba, and Macedonia) that are not granted visa-free entry into Korea.
Applicable to…
Those with a visa or a re-entry permit for U.S., Japan, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand (5 countries) and traveling to any one of those countries through Korea.
Those traveling from any one of the five countries mentioned above, whose final destination is not Korea.
Must have a confirmed onward flight ticket for departure within 30 days after entering Korea, in addition to having no record of criminal offence in the five countries mentioned above.
Eligible countries
Applicable to all countries (save for Cuba, and Macedonia) that are not granted visa-free entry into Korea.
Applicable to…
Those with a visa or a re-entry permit for U.S., Japan, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand (5 countries) and traveling to any one of those countries through Korea.
Those traveling from any one of the five countries mentioned above, whose final destination is not Korea.
Must have a confirmed onward flight ticket for departure within 30 days after entering Korea, in addition to having no record of criminal offence in the five countries mentioned above.