DS-160 关于Employer Name 急!!万分感谢。
求助:我在填写DS-160的Employer Name总是提示Please correct all areas in error as indicated below. Once you have finished, click ‘Save’ or ‘Next’ to continue completing your online application form.
Employer Name is invalid. Only the following characters are valid for this field: A-Z, 0-9, hypen (-), apostrophe ('), ampersand (&) and single spaces in between names.
另外。我本身是学生。现在念大学。那在Have you attended any educational institutions at a secondary level or above? 是填高中吗?高中那个name也一直提示不正确.
啊。那再问您一下。关于后面那个关于教育机构的问题。我现在是大学生,是不是应该填高中的资料? 我之前填写的是NO.18 high school,beijing。他同样也说无效。是为什么呢?谢谢您了。