"据说最近金边的治安不是太好了,我也有点担心.下面是taleofasia的报道:phnom penh city hall finally came out with the figures this month to confirm what everyone has been saying for months; violent crime is more prevalent in the capital now than perhaps ever before. in the first six months of 2005, reported incidents increased a staggering 85-fold over the same six months of last year, according to a city hall report.police stations around the city recorded a total of 297 armed robberies between january and june of this year, or around 50 a month. an incredible 275 motorbikes were also reported stolen, many at gunpoint.these robberies resulted in the deaths of 34 of the victims and 135 people being seriously injured, according to the city hall report. of a total of 1,088 arrests, 14 other alleged murderers were also detained and 15 criminals ""died"" no further details on that one. there were seven rapes reported