This is to certify that Ms. THICK (holderof Chinese passport no. G12345678 and whose birthday is XXXXXX出生日期) holdsthe position of XXXXXX职位 of XXXXXX公司名字 . Ms. THICK joined our company on XXXXXX入职日期. Her/His current monthly incomeis no less than CNY X0,000.
During her/his annual leave and publicholiday, from XX日期 to XX日期, she/his would like to visit XX国家. Itis expected that she will return on XX日期 to work.
Please do not hesitate to contact us ifyou have any further enquiries about her employment in our company.
Towhom it may concern,
This is to certify that Ms. THICK (holderof Chinese passport no. G12345678 and whose birthday is XXXXXX出生日期) holdsthe position of XXXXXX职位 of XXXXXX公司名字 . Ms. THICK joined our company on XXXXXX入职日期. Her/His current monthly incomeis no less than CNY X0,000.
During her/his annual leave and publicholiday, from XX日期 to XX日期, she/his would like to visit XX国家. Itis expected that she will return on XX日期 to work.
Please do not hesitate to contact us ifyou have any further enquiries about her employment in our company.
Human Resources Department
Fax: 8610-23456789