"http://www.changiairport.com/zh_cn/in-transit/transit-information新加坡移民局在几年前针对中国大陆和印度公民过境新加坡的情况,出台的96小时新加坡过境签政策,即vftf,目前已经不在新加坡移民局官方文件中有所体现了;但是新加坡移民局官方也并未彻底关闭这个政策,所以目前中国大陆公民过境新加坡是否能够获得96小时过境签证,要看机场移民官的自行定夺.稳妥起见,要是很希望入境新加坡观光,那么最好提前去新加坡使领馆申请新加坡旅游签证后再启程.visa required, except for nationals of china (people’s rep.) can also transit, one time only, for up to96 hours without a visa under the visa free transit facility (vftf) on either the outbound or return leg of the same journey (but not on both)nationals of china (people’s rep.) may use the vftf mentioned above if holding a valid single entry visa or multiple entry visa (still valid for at least one month) issued by australia, canada, germany, japan, new zealand, switzerland, united kingdom or usa."