是真的,而且比较便宜。目前登顶的crown access是20刀一个成人。 还有一个网站 一个人要收27刀,坑爹啊。而且我比较过,20刀和27刀的票内容是一样的: Includes: Access up to the Crown of the Statue of Liberty, Priority entry into the Boarding Queue which saves you wait time at the departure point, Access to the grounds of Liberty Island. Audio Tour of Liberty Island included.
还有一个网站 一个人要收27刀,坑爹啊。而且我比较过,20刀和27刀的票内容是一样的:
Access up to the Crown of the Statue of Liberty, Priority entry into the Boarding Queue which saves you wait time at the departure point, Access to the grounds of Liberty Island. Audio Tour of Liberty Island included.
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