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穷游旅行问答 > 它山之石,可以攻玉 。看看万能的网络有什么?查遍古今中外 , 如下随意管张开动作 BEANCE TUBAIRE VOLONTAIRE (BTV)&n...
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它山之石,可以攻玉 。看看万能的网络有什么?查遍古今中外 , 如下随意管张开动作 BEANCE TUBAIRE VOLONTAIRE (BTV)&n...

它山之石,可以攻玉 。看看万能的网络有什么?查遍古今中外 , 如下随意管张开动作 BEANCE TUBAIRE VOLONTAIRE (BTV) 20世纪50年代法国海军发明了一种中耳平衡技巧叫“随意管张开”。直接控制耳咽管上的肌肉,拉开耳咽管。 这个技巧很难教学,在我所教过的学员里面只有30%的人能够可靠地应用。收缩软腭肌 肉,咽喉上部的肌肉就会拉开耳咽管这个技巧有点像打呵欠时咽喉后部的动作,也有点像动耳朵时的动作。有些人天生就会,但很多人掌握不了这个技巧。。操作方式:收缩软腭和喉头上部肌肉保持耳咽管张开同时做吐烟圈和大哈欠动作。优点:不用捏鼻子做平衡动作,不需用肺部空气,随时随地,适合大深度自由潜水缺点:难度比较大,需长期练习视频 潜水员的耳压平衡技巧http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTA3NDU4NzQ4.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2((备注 :很好的耳压平衡介绍,不过BTV没细讲 ))再谈法兰佐耳压平衡http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTM3NTc1NDMwNA==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2 ((备注 :虽然是讲法兰佐,但相关肌肉讲的比较清楚 ))Freediving Q&A webinar Feb 07, 2013 - hands-free EQ (BTV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_fWZHZx7qc((备注 :是目前发现的唯一一个专门讲到BTV 的视频))
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下面是12个不同人的不同经验 ,取其精华,去其糟粕(不适合自己的) 。Sample 1( 一个法国人写的练习手册,从法语到英语再到中文 )在你學習BTV之前,請參考本文所設定的訓練方式,此文所進行的教學時間為期一個月,將所需動作分成四個部分,每個禮拜只要熟練一個分解步驟,進行此文中的訓練法最好在早上空腹的時候練習,每個步驟與步驟中間最好休息五秒鐘的時間。練習之前,請盡可能的放鬆所有的肌肉,並且將任何會使頸部感到束縛的物品脫下,保持你的頭部姿勢正直並且用一隻手輕輕的握著喉節上方的hyoid bone(此骨『吊』著你的喉結),面對一片適當的鏡子,你必須清楚從鏡中的影像看見你的喉結。第一週:請在每天早晨進行以下操作練習,緩慢的重複每個步驟三次,切記在每個步驟中間休息五秒。A: 舌頭運動1.將你的嘴巴張大,試著用你的舌頭碰觸你的鼻子,然後再盡可能的往後(往口腔內)收縮你的舌頭,盡可能的將舌頭往後退,注意你的舌尖應該躺在下側的後方(譯者:換句話說舌尖是躺在下顎而非頂著上顎),進行此動作的過程中,你可以觀察到喉結從最高點移到最低點。2.在嘴巴大開的狀態下,將你的舌尖抵在上門牙的後端,輕輕緩慢的將舌頭後縮,但後縮的過程中請將舌尖持續的抵住上顎,舌尖抵著上顎持續的往後滑動,盡可能的往深處滑動,嘗試將舌尖碰觸喉頭深處的那個吊錘(uvula懸雍垂)。3.在嘴巴張大的狀態下,將你的舌尖抵住下方中間的牙齒(門牙正下方),在這種狀態下將你的舌頭往口外推(挺),盡可能的推(挺)出你的舌頭,但請保持舌尖抵住下排牙齒。B:運動口腔後上方的區域1.嘴巴盡可能打開,舌頭靜置,在這樣的狀態下嘗試進行吞嚥的動作(進行吞嚥動作的關鍵在於,使你的口腔後上方區域產生收縮),於此時試著去控制喉結的下降動作。這是所有動作中最重要的部分。如果你會感覺反胃噁心那就是成功了。C:將A、B兩種練習結合。1. 打開你的嘴巴,壓著你的舌尖抵住兩個下方的中央門牙,此時將舌頭根部部位往後下方壓,(舌頭根部要往喉嚨方向退而且要下壓),並在此狀態下進行吞嚥的動作,此吞嚥的動作應該如之前的練習引發口腔後上方區域的收縮,由於這個步驟將之前的兩個步驟合併,因此可以將喉結下降到前所未有的超低位置。第二週:將第一週所學會的步驟在第二個禮拜的每個早晨反覆練習,緩慢的重複每個練習三次,切記每個步驟中間休息五秒。D:舌頭與吞嚥動作的配合1.將你的嘴巴半開,盡可能的將你的下巴伸展出去,下巴伸展的同時舌尖抵住下方中央的牙齒,而且舌頭也要『盡可能』的往前推(挺),維持以上狀態,然後進行吞嚥動作。E:在嘴巴封閉的狀態下練習1.封閉你的嘴巴,進行B、C與D的練習,請特別將重點放在B步驟的操作。第三週:在這個禮拜的每個早晨重複之前所學過的每一項練習,重複每一項練習三次,動點放在動作的熟練度,在閉口的動作中要求比之前開口時的動作更快。第四週:在閉口狀態下進行所有的練習,並且加重練習的份量如下:5次C, D, E三個步驟。10次B步驟平時的練習,每個禮拜可以進行兩次一般耳壓平衡法,將氣體灌入耳中,使得耳朵呈現稍微高壓的狀態,然後進行步驟B,並紀錄你操作了幾次步驟B才調整回正常的耳压 ((备注 : 然并卵!不知为什么要这么做,还要做4周 ? 直接忽略 )) Sample 2免手耳壓平衡法進行陸上練習之前,首先要建立『測驗方法』,要有一套方法來確立成功與否。這是非常重要的,否則就沒有辦法確立練習的方向。要如何知道自己是否成功打開耳咽管?我使用的方法是先將耳腔充氣(耳膜向外漲出),正常情況耳咽管是關閉的,所以在耳腔充氣狀態之下,我做任何動作只要能將氣體洩出,消除耳膜的外漲感,就代表該嘗試可以成功打開耳咽管。接下來所有的練習,都基於這個判斷的結果尋找方向,由於感覺明確所以很容易辨識出嘗試的有效與否。從上禮拜五開始練習,當天中午讓我抓到幾次成功,之後我就猛試,也許是太過頻繁的操練咽喉部位的肌肉,禮拜六一早醒來發現自己流了滿臉口水,禮拜六那天吃東西時也有些吞嚥困難,由於肌肉酸痛的緣故,這刺激我調整使用的肌肉群,使我學會以較少的肌肉達成相同的結果(有很多肌肉都是白費力氣)。經過一個禮拜的練習。平時直立狀態下,我可以順利而且輕鬆地打開耳咽管,平躺時就沒辦法每次打開,縱使可以也相當費力。今天早上下水測試,如我原本陸上練習所預估的,頭下腳上做不起來,因為平躺就幾乎無法完成了,更別提下潛時的倒立狀態。曾經嘗試過幾次,十米之前用法蘭茲法,十米之後將身體轉為直立狀態,自然垂降到十七米的過程中使用BTV平壓,可以有百分之百的成功率。這幾天以來,我每天無時無刻都在練習耳壓平衡,不論是走路、工作、甚至是吃飯。雖然我在第二天就抓到訣竅,但熟練度是一個關鍵。平躺或倒立狀態之下無法完成,除了和耳咽管比較緊有關以外,也和身體在不同姿勢下,咽喉肌肉控制的感受不同有關。今天早上潛水過後,耳咽管一如往常又變得很鬆,下午午覺醒來後,躺在床上試了幾次,同樣的技巧竟然就可以順利打開耳咽管了。我會再嘗試練習幾天,將自己所理解的技巧寫成文章分享給大家,希望對這個技巧的學習有興趣的人拭目以待囉。學過這個技巧之後,我認為其他人學會的成功率應該很高,但有其他因素使學會的人以為自己沒學會。過去我們在做耳壓平衡的時候,是在下潛過程裡『點狀』施作(非連續性的處在加壓的狀態),每幾米就做一次耳壓平衡。但是免手平壓法,應該是連續性地維持耳咽管打開的狀態,或者說中間回到耳咽管關閉的狀態時間很短。根本原因在於,這是一種被動型的耳壓平衡,潛水者透過某種肌肉控制,使得耳咽管打開,氣體則因為下潛深度的增加,逐漸產生壓力差,自然地推動氣體流動以達到耳壓平衡。一旦潛水者太晚完成耳壓平衡,耳咽管附近的軟組織會擠壓得更緊,這就使得耳咽管不容易再打開了,即便打開了,其孔徑往往不足以讓足夠量的氣體流通而完成耳壓平衡。所以如果在這個根本的作法上沒有改變,一個懂得控制肌肉打開耳咽管的人,在潛水過程中依然會平壓失敗。過去不論是傳統的橫隔膜法,或是法蘭茲法,相對而言是比較主動的。強壓氣體衝開耳咽管,所以不連續施作的成功率依然很高。免手平壓法的技巧,至少三分之二的部份並不難學,請參考上圖,藍色箭頭指示的是喉結的方向,『喉結』只管用力往下拉(照鏡子練習),這個動作很重要,耳咽管鬆的人光是做這個動作就可以拉開耳咽管,但如果沒有這個動作,其他動作再用力也沒效果。舌頭的部份,請看紅色箭頭,將舌根往『下方偏前』推(斜前方),下顎會有一點點要『厚道』(台語)的那種感覺,熟練以後不用移動下顎也可以成功,但是舌頭不是整塊都往下壓,舌尖反而要往上翹,如此一來舌頭像一塊翹翹板,舌尖輕微往上翹,舌頭後方根部才能往更深的斜下方壓,舌尖會輕輕抵住上排牙齒的後方。(舌頭的形狀就像橄欖綠的箭頭,用力往下顎壓,但是舌尖輕微上翹)我平時直立狀態時,只要上面這兩個動作聯合起來,就可以很輕鬆的打開耳咽管,但躺著或者倒立時,還要再加上一個模仿吞嚥的動作,喉嚨要有一種從兩側往中心夾的感覺,這樣才能將耳咽管打開。前幾天有一位潛友留言給我,聽他的描述(底下粗體藍字),我覺得他已經掌握到部分的技巧:3.我再練習這個方式時,耳膜並不會像傳統平壓法那樣感覺到明顯的壓力,所以我很納悶這是什麼原理做到耳膜的壓力平衡?Ans:這是一種被動性的壓力平衡,所以耳膜不會因此而向外鼓脹,這讓耳膜、耳腔的壓力平衡感受小很多,不像過去我們做耳壓平衡都可以將耳朵『吹飽氣』,所以你的平壓感受會沒那麼強烈。 Sample 3BTV means you can open the Eustachian tube valves more or less voluntarily, without frenzel or valsalva. They still "crack" when they open. Some lucky people have voluntary control over the two muscles that surround the valves, and can open them just like you move your fingers.Most folks find some other way, some other motion that pulls open the valves. You will have to find your own way on this one. Once you find it, practice will make it much easier. Sample 4I learned BTV because did a lot of flying on airplanes when I was a kid and found I could just click my ears.I don't move any part of my mouth, throat, jaw or anything to open the Eustachian tubes. I have managed to isolate the one set of muscles that do it.I don't think it is related to swallowing or movement of the jaw at all in terms of opening the tubes voluntarily. Thrusting the jaw forward and down helps in terms of making the air flow less restricted at the opening of the tubes in the back of the throat (I think).To me, the essential development of the BTV comes from the beginning of a yawn. A yawn combines the jaw lowering/forward thrust and a sense of building pressure in the ears and the "crackling"... Try yawning on purpose a lot and see if you can notice those sensations. Sample5- Try to yawn (easier if tired or bored!) to open the e-tubes. There should be a crackle as they open and then a roaring sound of the breath.- When that becomes easy and both can be opened, try the same but holding your breath. If necessary still open your mouth wide. To know if you are actually equalizing, hold your nose and swallow, which creates negative pressure in the ears, then let go of your nose and equalize.- When that becomes easy, try the same but with minimal opening of the mouth. The adams apple should move down.- Now try both standing/sitting and lying down. It may be much easier in some positions than others.- When it works well dry, try in water, about 1m depth in an upright position.- Increase the depth if it is working.- Try in an inverted position. Sample 6 The best clue I can give is to work with the sensation at the start of a yawn. I practiced this when I was a kid - never using force - just always that feeling and sound when you hear the breath from the inside. I taught myself to do each ear independently (long winters). I don't normally need to use my hands to equalize - at least not down to 60 feet or so. Anyway, learn to isolate the sensation when you feel the ears open at the start of a yawn - then work with it. Sample 7 RESUMED Results of this thread so far:- what do you hear or feel?Most people here a crackle (as per any equalization) with an accute awareness of the breathing sound within ones inner ear, it's loud. The sound sequence would be:a. crackle the earsb. the "hearing own breathing" remains as long as the tubes are held open.Longer the better for EQing- look at yourself in the mirror, do you see anything change, adams apple, thoat, jaw?Very little can be seen. The ulva (dangly thing) can be seen to tilt forward and go up. The effort to open should be really minimal. If you are straining and, muscles are popping out, your going the wrong way. Aim to have no visible signs- what was the "turning point" for you learning this, or could you always simply do it?I would say 75% learned as a kid, or could always do it. Those who learned as a freediving adult, 25%, seem to find it harder or less reliable than those who have always done it.Turning point seems to be LOTS of idle time practicing, breaking down the yawn (majority) or the swallow actions to the steps that produces the crackle- in the water, is if sufficient to simply hold this muscle postion and let the mouth equalize the inner ear via the open tubes, or are you doing some movement to make that happen?After a certain depth pressurizing against the mask creates a mores effective pressurization.- what if any are the depths or conditions that BTV starts to fail?Most talk of three steps:a. Only BTV (to 10, 20M)b. BTV with gentle pressurization (after 20M)c. switching to frenzel totally (after 40M) Sample 8 As mentioned, BTV is not a way to equalize, just a way to open the eustachian tube, and if there is a positive pressure from below (valsalva or Frenzel) equalization will happen, far easier than with normal techniques.Do the following more or less at the same time:1) Tuck in your head, pull your chin down (not always needed)2) Have some air in you mouth.3) Make sure to be relaxed inside (throat/soft palatte e t c)4) Push jaw slightly outward.5) Smile slightly.6) Keep your mouth closed while starting a yawn. Or pretend to blow smokerings. Sort of widening everything at the back of the mouth/throat.7) Do a short small blow through the nose.8) Pull the two muscles on each side of the uvula towards each other.This is my way of doing it, how to train it is a slightly other issue, where the best advice would be to try to swallow with open mouth.PS Or just do #8 ;-)PS 2. If all else fails do only #5 Sample 9 Steps that worked for me:(1) Lay comfortably on your bed and think about something extremely tiring and boring and hopefully as a result produce a strong, big yawn. At some point you hopefully notice something in your ears (which is the opening of the Eustachian tubes or “e-tubes”). You need to isolate that feeling and try to replicate it without yawning (not easy under water) by tensing some muscles in your throat or moving your jaw around (people describe it in different ways). I met all the following three tests when I managed to open my e-tubes (perhaps not everybody meets all three?):(i) a slight short but clear “click” on each ear;(ii) a feeling of “breathing through my ears” (some people alternatively describe a “roar” when breathing – I felt the “breathing through the ears” was a better characterization);(iii) humming feels like the sound is “loudly inside your head”.(2) Try to repeat and repeat that e-tubes opening action. Remember that under water it is not easy to open your mouth, so find a way that does not require that. Practice as much as you can. I am under the impression that the more you practice the subtler you can be with the “move” or effort you need: you seem to be able to open the e-tubes more by “thinking about it” rather than by “physical force”. Practice with your mask on too.(3) The first few days I tried in the water, it was a total failure. Nothing happened at all, no feeling whatsoever. I gave up after a while and just kept diving equalizing through Valsalva. Do not despair if this happens! When I was back in my room I kept researching and reading about other’s experiences. Read as much as you can, hear people describe it in different ways (you will see why in a moment). A few days later, I suddenly remembered something I had read: someone mentioned that pressure back from the mask was still needed to equalize hands-free. This is not what I had initially understood (not sure why I missed it, many others mention it): I just expected to open the e-tubes and the ears to equalize (as it happens on a plane). Apparently this is the way pure BTV should work, but it definitely does not work like that in my case (perhaps it will evolve as I train more which I plan to do).(4) I tried to experiment with that bit about “pressure from the mask” in the water to see if it made any difference. I started to combine blowing air into the mask without pinching my nose but “manually” applying pressure to hold the mask to my face with opening the e-tubes at the same time. After a few tries, I got a very mild feeling of opening the e-tubes compared to the yawn but… to my surprise one of my ears experienced a slight pop! I realized that this was the breakthrough I needed and that I just had to work on progressively reducing the pressure applied on the mask: I moved from holding the sides of the mask with my hands, to just keeping a finger over my noise until it worked just by tightening the mask to my head a bit. And that was all I needed: just blow air gently into the mask, think about that e-tubes opening reflex at the same time and the equalization happens!(5) Some preliminary thoughts:(i) Tightening the mask is key for me and I still need to wear my Superocchio tighter than before for hands-free equalization to work.(ii) “Warming up” of the ears felt important. All this happened while I was freediving several hours every day for quite a few days in a row and after a lot of e-tubes opening dry exercises.(iii) I noticed some “e-tube muscle” exhaustion on a couple of days where I worked really hard. You need to call it a day and rest after you notice this as equalization stopped working. Some talk about how the muscle can and should be trained… yes, but to a certain limit in my case.(iv) I still do not feel I am opening the e-tubes “well” at all. More than that, it is a feeling that I do a small opening and because my ears have “warmed up” the air from the mask achieves the equalization (need more training to confirm this).(v) It does feel different from Valsalva: it is a shorter, more brisk equalization where I notice more of a click in each ear.(vi) The first few feet down seem more difficult, it gets easier after 30 feet and again harder after 85 feet (as Valsalva also becomes harder because of approaching residual volume).(vii) General relaxation and stretching of the neck felt important so I did a lot of this at the beginning of each diving session.(viii) I always equalize pre-dive while on the surface and equalize early and often at the beginning of the dive. Sometimes, particularly at the beginning of the session, I need Valsalva to warm up during the first dives.(ix) I had no line so I do not know for a fact, but I think it should be very helpful and I would definitely set one up if you have the opportunity to do so.(x) One issue I still have to deal with is that I do seem to lose a bit of air, particularly at the beginning of the dive. Not the end of the world, but clearly something that I would like to improve on.(xi) If a big, strong yawn on a plane does nothing to your ears, it might mean hands-free equalization is off-limits for you. Not sure, but there is plenty of commentary that not everybody can equalize this way.Finally, words of caution that I beg you to read:(1) Be incredibly careful when you dive and listen to your body and err always on the side of caution. If in the slightest doubt/pain, turn back and go to the surface. (I understand this is not the way professional freedivers should think, but hey if you are one of them you probably do not need to be reading this post anyway?).(1) One again yes: Think at all times that your foremost obligation, way above anything else, is to do everything you can at all times to go back to your loved ones (something we never should stop repeating ourselves: it just sets us in the right mindset in my humble opinion).(1) One yet again, hopefully you see a pattern by now: just be extremely careful please.(2) Do not try any of this unless you are an experienced freediver. My only claim about the steps described is that they worked for me. Perhaps they do not work for others, you can/will get hurt, etc.(3) I understand what I describe here is not by any means the pure or classic BTV: I simply have found a way that allows hands-free equalization without a noise-clip which is what I was after. Sample 10To do this I stood in front of the mirror and did the Frenzel technique several times, really concentrating on the feeling around the tubes open. Then I kept decreasing the pressure. If I lost the feeling I increased the pressure to regain it. In a few days I was able to fire the muscles and open them without any pressure. Then for inversion it was a quick mater of learning to fire and immediately pressure. Sample 11It's not the 'yawning' that opens the tubes. It's after the 'yawn' that they pop.If you're keeping 'tension' on your neck, they probably won't go. It's the split second after you release the tension that the eq takes place. Practice doing that yawn technique in front of the mirror. If your doing it right, your adams apple should be pulled up. If it' not, try doing the same technique, only this time, with your tongue smashed to the top of your mouth. Now, right when you relax the muscles that are making the rumbling sound, thrust your tongue backward into your soft pallate. At this time, your adams apple will drop back to its original position, and your ears should have [simultaneously] produced a cracking sound.If you want to simulate a dive. Pinch your nose, and suck in, until you de-equalize your ears (making the pressure lower within your eustation tubes). Then practice equalizing. Using this, you'll know for sure if your going to get it underwater. Don't do it too much though, or it can make ya dizzy with a headache. Sample 12 Voluntary opening of the eustachian tubes: Voluntary opening of the tubes: Voluntary Tubal Opening:(French: béance tubaire volontaire (BTV) ) is a method of equalising or clearing the ears described by doctor Georges Delonca and used in scuba diving and freediving. It aims to rebalance the pressure between the external ear and middle ear. The subject must either exercise a voluntary control of the tensor veli palatini muscles opening the eustachian tubes, or move the jaw to open the tubes when necessary. This is less easy to execute than the Valsalva maneuver, but the BTV is the gentlest method to clear the ears.[10] However, not all divers can perform this manoeuvre. It may be necessary to engage in ear training exercises to train the muscles to perform this manoeuvre. Another description of the method is to tense the muscles of the soft palate and the throat while pushing the jaw forward and down as if starting to yawn. This should pull the eustachian tubes open.Some people are able to voluntarily hold their Eustachian tubes open continuously for a period of several seconds to minutes. The 'clicking your ears' can actually be heard if one puts one's ear to another person's ear for them to hear the clicking sound. Those that are borderline on learning this voluntary control first discover this via yawning or swallowing or other means; which after practice can be done deliberately without force even when there are no pressure issues involved. When the Eustachian Tubes are deliberately held open, one's voice sounds louder in one's head than when they are closed.
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