后天就要出发了,Priceline 上一不留神标到了Crown Plaza LAX。没有办法,只能来回奔波了 。现在的安排是这样的:
Day 1, land in LAX at 7am. 要下午3点才能chek in. 可以把行李免费放在
酒店里吗?是不是要付小费?Then take metro red line to Universal Studio. Universal VIP ticket 值得咬牙买吗?
Day 2, Hollywood, Kodak Ceter
Day 3, 搭机场shuttle到LOT C旁的Transit Center,换乘Santa Monica 3到Santa Monica玩
I think you should consider the VIP or frond of the line tickets since you only have half day at Universal Studio. It takes quite some time to clear the customs, get to the hotel and catch the shuttle to the park.
It will be hard for you to dine at any decent restaurant without driving a car.
If you are in santa monica, make sure you also go to UCLA and beverly hills. both can be reached by the big blue bus (santa monica bus).
为啥不住在 SANTA MONICA 的HI 青年旅社,离海滩就200米,也有单间的,90$ PER ROOM。如果住6人间,38$ PER BED/
俺第一天就住那里,看日落,(本来还想看日出 ,后来发现是西海岸),第2天转战USA HOLLYWOOD HOSTEL, 离环球影城1个地铁站距离。