是一家德国老板开的家庭旅馆,旅馆一楼有泰国菜餐厅。餐虾酱空心菜非常非常好吃,是厅里的冬阴功汤、咖喱皇炒蟹、在马代几天中吃的最下饭的一次。出酒店不远,就有一个清真寺和总统府、国防部和一个很小的公园。房间不大,但还干净。就是厕所太小了,感觉很局促。不过如果以后有机会,我可能还会选择住这家酒店。因为这家的泰国菜,尤其是虾酱空心菜太好吃了。 良好 service and 赞 people, if i have chance go to male again,i will still choice this 饭店.by the way, there is a thai food restrant in this 饭店, the tong yang kong soup and the morningglory is very decilous.
良好 service and 赞 people, if i have chance go to male again,i will still choice this 饭店.by the way, there is a thai food restrant in this 饭店, the tong yang kong soup and the morningglory is very decilous.
Sala Boutique酒店的空调客房配有硬木地板、平板有线电视、迷你吧和Nespresso咖啡设施。
Sala Thai Restaurant泰式餐厅供应欧陆式早餐和泰式菜肴,其食材均从泰国空运而来。
酒店距离马累国际机场(Malé International Airport)有8分钟船程。