在airtickets24.com买机票, 收到要护照、信用卡正面扫描是否有问题啊?
我上午也在airtickets24.com买了机票,它也发了邮件将订单内容发到我邮箱。 但是刚刚收到它的一封邮件感觉有点可疑,大家能否帮忙看看是否有问题:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for using Airtickets24.com for your reservation. Unfortunately our system has flagged your reservation as high risk for card fraud.
Please send us a copy of the passport (or photo ID) of the card owner and the front side of the card used for the transaction. You can either scan them or take a picture with your mobile phone. In addition to that, please send us the telephone number of the customer support of the issuing bank which you can find at the back-side of your card.
We need this information in order to be able to verify that the owner of the card accepts the charge.
If you fail to send those documents in time, there is a risk that the price of your tickets might change or the airline cancels your reservation.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.