Haus der Erholung Süd is situated in the Old Town of Krems an der Donau, the entrance to the Wachau UNESCO World Heritage Site. Danube University Krems is 1.2 km away.
The apartment offers 2 bedrooms, a private kitchen, a private bathroom, a dining area, and views of the old town and the garden.The kitchen is equipped with an electric kettle and a popcorn-maker. You will be welcomed with a regional drink.
Vienna International Airport is a 1-hour drive away.
The apartment offers 2 bedrooms, a private kitchen, a private bathroom, a dining area, and views of the old town and the garden.The kitchen is equipped with an electric kettle and a popcorn-maker. You will be welcomed with a regional drink.
Vienna International Airport is a 1-hour drive away.
优惠政策一、多瑙河1小时游船套餐1. 未满3岁儿童免费,三岁及以上游客请购买成人票。二、多瑙河3小时晚餐巡游套餐1. 包含欢迎饮料套餐:(1)5岁及以下儿童免费,但需备注免费儿童人数;(2)6-10岁可享儿童价;(3)11岁及以上游客须购买成人票。2. 包含无限畅饮套餐:成人儿童同价。