布鲁塞尔皇家美术馆与马格利特美术馆两个美术馆实际上是连在一起的,只是入口不一样。比利时(特别是弗拉芒)有不少有名的画家,他们的造诣得到了世人的肯定。在皇家美术馆里,你不仅可以发现鲁本斯(Peter Paul Rubens)和范·戴克 (Anthony Van Dyck)的作品,而且还可以欣赏到布吕赫尔(Pierre Bruegel the Elder)和范德魏登(Rogier Van Der Weyden)的作 品。鲁本斯和范·戴克是师生关系,前者为法国皇室服务,后者则去了英国,成为皇室的首席画师。作者更喜欢后两名画家。布吕赫尔的画以展现农民生活的朴实和有趣味为风格;范德魏登擅长用线条和颜色表现人物细腻的情感。这两人的主要作品并不在比利时, 因为一直受人喜欢,它们分散在欧洲其他的著名博物馆里。
大门口上方有中文名称:王立美术馆。The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium are a group of art museums in Brussels, Belgium. There are four museums connected with the Royal Museum, and two of them (the Museum of Ancient Art and the Museum of Modern Art, Brussels), are in the main building. The other two (the Constantin Meunier Museum and the Antoine Wiertz Museum) are dedicated to specific Belgian artists, are much smaller, and are located a few kilometers from the city center.
The Royal Museum contains over 20,000 drawings, sculptures, and paintings, which date from the early 15th century to the present. The museum has an extensive collection of Flemish painting, among them paintings by Bruegel and Rogier van der Weyden, Robert Campin (the Master of Flémalle), Anthony van Dyck, and Jacob Jordaens. The museum is also proud of its "Rubens Room", which houses more than 20 paintings by the artist.
The painting Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, long-attributed to Brueghel, is located here and forms the subject of W. H. Auden's famous poem Musée des Beaux Arts, named after the museum.
如果看过卢浮宫的藏品,再来看比利时的美术馆可能就稍显逊色了。另外需要注意的是12-25的年轻人可以选择三个博物馆,old master, modern art, magritte的联票,只需要3欧。12.24-25以及12.31-1.1关门都是下午两点或者全天关闭,平时工作日10-17点,周末11-18点
布鲁塞尔皇家美术馆与马格利特美术馆两个美术馆实际上是连在一起的,只是入口不一样。比利时(特别是弗拉芒)有不少有名的画家,他们的造诣得到了世人的肯定。在皇家美术馆里,你不仅可以发现鲁本斯(Peter Paul Rubens)和范·戴克 (Anthony Van Dyck)的作品,而且还可以欣赏到布吕赫尔(Pierre Bruegel the Elder)和范德魏登(Rogier Van Der Weyden)的作 品。鲁本斯和范·戴克是师生关系,前者为法国皇室服务,后者则去了英国,成为皇室的首席画师。作者更喜欢后两名画家。布吕赫尔的画以展现农民生活的朴实和有趣味为风格;范德魏登擅长用线条和颜色表现人物细腻的情感。这两人的主要作品并不在比利时, 因为一直受人喜欢,它们分散在欧洲其他的著名博物馆里。
The Royal Museum contains over 20,000 drawings, sculptures, and paintings, which date from the early 15th century to the present. The museum has an extensive collection of Flemish painting, among them paintings by Bruegel and Rogier van der Weyden, Robert Campin (the Master of Flémalle), Anthony van Dyck, and Jacob Jordaens. The museum is also proud of its "Rubens Room", which houses more than 20 paintings by the artist.
The painting Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, long-attributed to Brueghel, is located here and forms the subject of W. H. Auden's famous poem Musée des Beaux Arts, named after the museum.
There are constant changing exhibitions.