建筑外观不像多数城堡那样精致,看起来较为粗粝,但内部还不错。尤其喜欢The Green Chamber, The Hall of Olav V. 和The Royal Mausoleum (这个不能进去)。还看到了一群神职人员穿着白袍进入教堂的场面(忘了是为什么,工作人员说这个场面Very Norwegian)参观完城堡以后出来路过Gift shop的办公室,装修很简约漂亮却又很温馨,赶紧拍了一张。除城堡以外别的建筑多是堡垒,还有一两个小博物馆,大片草地和树木,沿着走还会看到一些有童趣的雕塑作品(虽然有些完全看不出来是什么鬼),登高以后还能看到海港,离市政广场有非常近。甚好甚好。
The building of Akershus Castle and Fortress was commenced in 1299 under king Håkon V. The medieval castle, which was completed in the 1300s, had a strategical location at the very end of the headland, and withstood a number of sieges throughout the ages