Drive up the hill during the day and you'll find a beautiful lookout over the neighbouring islands. Drive up around 5pm and it's transformed into a amazing bar. Sipping mohitos and cosmopolitans (albeit out of plastic cups) and watching the sunset is really lovely. There are loads of buggies and people but the bar staff were amazingly efficient and the cocktails weren't bad either. Hamilton Island does put on a great sunset!
去这个One Tree Hill需要乘坐岛上免费的橙线或者紫线都能到达。山顶上的风景非常美,有个Lookout可以俯瞰全景,碧海蓝天,景色巨美丽的。Lookout边上还有个咖啡厅,在这里小憩一会儿边吃美食边赏美景别提多惬意了。有空儿也可以在附近逛逛,满眼都是大美的景色的。从One Tree Hill回去酒店或者去其他地方可以仍坐岛上的免费班车的。