签证拒签了,我觉得材料提供的挺全的,拒签理由是不符合subclause 600.211。
现在心理慌啊。我是让妈妈在国内邮寄的,提供的材料有资产证明:房产证,车证,存款证明(10w),还有银行流水证明,另外我在学校的coe, visa,offer, 亲属关系公正证明,父亲的在职证明,身份证,户口本,这些材料,最开始是想让爸爸参加毕业典礼但是工作原因他来不了,只好在1月来,这样我就不能给他发毕业典礼的邀请,所以最后没有附上邀请函,我想再申请一次,请问我还需要补充什么材料,才有机会申请成功? 我之前的材料都没有翻译,都是提供的中文复印件,这次我打算都提供一份英文翻译件。
You stated in your application that youintend to visit Australia for tourism.
Our office has attempted to verify theauthenticity of some of your documents and has not been able to do so. Thisraises serious concerns as to the bona fides of your claim to be genuinelyintending to enter Australia temporarily.
In light of the above considerations I amnot satisfied that you genuinely intend to stay temporarily in Australia forthe purpose for which the visa would be granted. You therefore do not meetSubclause 600.211.