但是这个星期一在巴黎戴高乐机场TERMINAL 2被折腾了...... 过了海关,安检是在登机口的。正排队准备扫描行李,突然冲出来一个easyjet的工作人员,说中国护照要去CHECK-IN DESK盖个confirmation stamp,说是他们的规定,我有online check-in还是要遵守。我只好返回到海关,那里的人不让我出去了 。然后又折回登机口,换了个工作人员说没关系的,又过了一次安检。以为没事了,可是过了5分钟,喇叭里叫我名字(他们有张名单的)说是我还没有给他们看盖过章的(自己打印的)BOARDING PASS。我说海关不让我出去了,他们于是派了个人送我出去(又有一个抵达PARIS的入境章),那个easyjet的地勤居然跟我说"run, you may not catch the flight!!"晕啊,所以我一路狂奔到CHECK-IN DESK,发现盖章的人还不少,只能跟人家打个招呼插队了。然后一路狂奔回入境口,又是打招呼插队,海关的人摇头说不知道easyjet干吗要这个confirmation stamp,他觉得不需要再给我敲个出境章(所以现在我的签证上就3个章,这个是后话了)反正结果就是,我过了第3次安检,总算让登机口的人满意了 。花费时间将近1小时(拖着小行李箱飞奔啊),满头大汗,起飞前10分钟我终于被放行了,飞机基本满员了差点找不到位子。。。
From the 19/3/09 all passengers (bar exceptions below) will be able to check-in online.
Passenger can check-in online for one of both of their flights from 15 days up to 4 hours before the scheduled flight departure time of the flight on www.ryanair.com
The following passengers do not qualify for Online Check-in:
* Children aged between 14 and 15 years travelling alone - PLEASE NOTE - Ryanair will no longer accept unaccompanied minors under the age of 16 from the 1st October 2009 onwards
* Passengers travelling with infants (*)
* Passengers travelling with driving licences as their form of photo-ID
* Online Check-in is not available from Moroccan Airports
Where a passenger is unable to avail of Online Check-in by reason only of a matter marked (*) above any airport check-in fee paid will be refunded upon application. A refund of the airport check-in fee is only applicable to the person unable to avail of the service and not all passengers in the reservation.
但是这个星期一在巴黎戴高乐机场TERMINAL 2被折腾了...... 过了海关,安检是在登机口的。正排队准备扫描行李,突然冲出来一个easyjet的工作人员,说中国护照要去CHECK-IN DESK盖个confirmation stamp,说是他们的规定,我有online check-in还是要遵守。我只好返回到海关,那里的人不让我出去了 。然后又折回登机口,换了个工作人员说没关系的,又过了一次安检。以为没事了,可是过了5分钟,喇叭里叫我名字(他们有张名单的)说是我还没有给他们看盖过章的(自己打印的)BOARDING PASS。我说海关不让我出去了,他们于是派了个人送我出去(又有一个抵达PARIS的入境章),那个easyjet的地勤居然跟我说"run, you may not catch the flight!!"晕啊,所以我一路狂奔到CHECK-IN DESK,发现盖章的人还不少,只能跟人家打个招呼插队了。然后一路狂奔回入境口,又是打招呼插队,海关的人摇头说不知道easyjet干吗要这个confirmation stamp,他觉得不需要再给我敲个出境章(所以现在我的签证上就3个章,这个是后话了)反正结果就是,我过了第3次安检,总算让登机口的人满意了 。花费时间将近1小时(拖着小行李箱飞奔啊),满头大汗,起飞前10分钟我终于被放行了,飞机基本满员了差点找不到位子。。。
From the 19/3/09 all passengers (bar exceptions below) will be able to check-in online.
Passenger can check-in online for one of both of their flights from 15 days up to 4 hours before the scheduled flight departure time of the flight on www.ryanair.com
The following passengers do not qualify for Online Check-in:
* Children aged between 14 and 15 years travelling alone - PLEASE NOTE - Ryanair will no longer accept unaccompanied minors under the age of 16 from the 1st October 2009 onwards
* Passengers travelling with infants (*)
* Passengers travelling with driving licences as their form of photo-ID
* Online Check-in is not available from Moroccan Airports
Where a passenger is unable to avail of Online Check-in by reason only of a matter marked (*) above any airport check-in fee paid will be refunded upon application. A refund of the airport check-in fee is only applicable to the person unable to avail of the service and not all passengers in the reservation.
我在easyjet50%的时候预定了3段5月的机票啊~~ 希望我能顺利一点啦!