坐的是LP推荐的第一个TODO Turismo,据说安全舒适(但舒适度其实一般,路上有见过更新更豪华的车),不过也住的酒店也推荐说一般国外游客都坐他家就没纠结,价格会略高于其他家。乘车地点无法描述,从市中心女巫市场打车20块钱左右吧。安全性的话,夜间翻山请务必系好安全带,治安状况还行,没听说恶性事件,感觉好于巴西秘鲁墨西哥。摘自LP:The safest and most comfortable terrestrial transport to La Paz is with Todo Turismo(% 693-3337; www.todoturismo.bo; Cabrera 158; one way B$270), which runs a heated bus service with friendly sta and an onboard meal, departing daily at 8pm. The service from La Paz departs at 9pm, from Edi cio Paola on Uruguay, a block from the main terminal. Other regular destinations from Uyuni include:Oruro and La Paz Omar buses generally leave around 7pm or 8pm. Alternatively heading to Potosí avoids the unpaved stretch to Oruro and means you don’t have to wait round until evening for the connection.Tupiza and Villazón Predilecto buses leave at 6am and 8pm, but it’s easier by train. Calama, Chile Cruz del Norte buses departat 4am (B$120, nine hours). The return from Calama is at 6am.