酒店做sponsor, 不明白到底该怎么操作呢?
下面的内容是从网页上复制下来的, 办过的同学能帮忙看一下么:
Visit Visa
(中国不在免签范围内。。)If you do NOT fall into one of the above categories, you will require a visa and a sponsor for your visit. Any other Citizens then the Gulf Cooperation Council states citizens will require a visa in advance through local hotels, or their relatives or business associates.
1、买阿联酋航空,入境和出境都必须是阿联酋航空,并且under在同一个确认号码上,就可以点击申请online visa。(我当时出入境分开两个航空公司定了,ref number是两个,就不能使用这样服务)
2、如果机票出了问题,比如我,就马上找当地的酒店代办,需要的资料一样,也是30天单次入境,酒店会要求一个信用卡担保5000迪拉姆,出境后会退还到卡里,你就随便找个别太磕碜的酒店,联系他们,只要订酒店就能帮你担保办理,不过中东人效率很低,官方是7天内一定会办下来,但他们会遇到各种资料延迟递交,我后来是快出境的前一天才拿到,一共用了12天,到第十天沉不住气了,猛打电话,还投诉到酒店集团总部,终于知道他们原来搞错了没帮我送,总部介入帮我当天递交当天拿到寄给我了。所以酒店得盯着,但一定办的出来,check out的时候会在押金里扣300迪拉姆作为签证费。
Short Visit Visa
Except for citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council who do not require a visa and nationalities automatically entitled to visit visas on entry, all other visitors who wish to stay longer than 14 days in the UAE must obtain a visit visa in advance through a sponsor. The sponsor can be your travel agency, your hotel, the company or department with which you are doing business in the UAE, or an individual (e.g. a relative or friend resident in the UAE). You can pick up this visit visa on arrival at the airport, The Visa is valid for two months before entering the UAE and it entitles the holder to stay in the Country for 30 days and is non-renewable. A fee of £100 plus a £2 delivery charge for this service. In order to complete your application, your sponsor will require your date of arrival, flight details, and a photocopy of the first few pages of your passport, which should be valid for at least six months. A hotel will only provide a visa if you are a guest. For an individual to sponsor a visit visa, he or she must earn over £800 per month and hold a valid residence visa. Your visit visa must be deposited at airport immigration one hour before the arrival of your flight. Note that your airline may require evidence (e.g. a photocopy) before departure that a valid visa awaits you on arrival.