用别人的信用卡定了土耳其航空的国内航班,现被告知该卡持有人一定要在现场,否则就不能登机,可是该卡持有人不跟我们一起去旅游,肯定不会出现在check in现场,怎么办?the credit card that is used for the ticket purchase must belong to one of the passengers in the
Booking and must be presented at the check-in with a valid ID. Otherwise passengers won't be accepted to the flight.•If you do not present the credit card you used for the payment, you will not be accepted to the flight.
并在机场check in时候也带上机票预定授权书和两个人的护照复印件和信用卡正反面复印件给他们看。就可以通过啦!
如今之計只有退票了,看是否能退回一點錢,如果如樓主所稱係廉價航空,恐無退票價質。哎,大 陸同胞啊,切記多多比較出國訊息再行動吧。