我也想请教一下:悉尼交通网站上,有这么一段关于十次票的介绍:MyBus TravelTen tickets may also be validated more than once for a journey longer than the one specified on the ticket; for instance, a MyBus1 TravelTen may be validated twice for a journey equivalent to a MyBus2 (3-5 sections), or three times for a journey equivalent to a MyBus3 (6+ sections). 意思是说“买一个mybus1的十次票,仅仅可以用来做两次mubus2的车、或者三次mybus3的车么?” 。 另外,如果两个人同时拿着一张十次票,上车怎么刷卡啊?不是上下车各需要刷一次卡么? 谢谢回答。