我定了isis bungalow5晚,总共25000PHP,之前EMAIL联系,他们就一个劲的让我先付款,还答应说会给我免费早餐和接机,我就西联汇了500USD过去。
尼日利亚的地址。。搞毛啊!我人都还没CHECK IN ,怎么有理让我把钱付清,还说本来剩120USD,现在要变成200USD,DUE TO TRANSPORTION~
Hi,sorry for the late respond. I want you to know that our boss just had a trip to Nigeria now, she has advice that you send your balance direct to her there in Nigeria, the total balance you are to pay now is $200, Because initially it was $120, but due to the increase of transportation for your pick up. So please send your flight details so we can be notedAnd as for the balance i will ask her how the payment should get to her over there.
感觉被他们欺负啊~达人们求解,我肯定是不会付了,等我CHECK OUT再付, 我要据理力争!!
ike i informed you increase is due to the increase in transportation. So this should not be a problem for us. You have to pay the balance now 看看这邮件内容,气坏我了