我在看这个通票的介绍时,里面有这么一句:Note! The Oslo Pass is not valid on airport coach, airport train and express buses with no local traffic inside the area of validity.
自己先回答一个吧,又仔细看了下那个网页,说的是只能在1, 2V, 2S and 2Ø这四个zone内free transport Gardermoen机场算4N这个zone,所以就不能用Oslo pass了 地图: http://ruter.no/Documents/Billetter/sonekart_111002.png
visitoslo网站上也说了:The Oslo Pass is not valid for transportation to Oslo Airport Gardermoen, as the airport is located outside zone 2. Please note that the transportation with Flytoget (airport express train) or Flybussen is not included in the Oslo Pass. 链接:http://www.visitoslo.com/en/activities-and-attractions/oslo-pass/public-transport/
我在看这个通票的介绍时,里面有这么一句:Note! The Oslo Pass is not valid on airport coach, airport train and express buses with no local traffic inside the area of validity.
Gardermoen机场算4N这个zone,所以就不能用Oslo pass了
visitoslo网站上也说了:The Oslo Pass is not valid for transportation to Oslo Airport
Gardermoen, as the airport is located outside zone 2. Please note that
the transportation with Flytoget (airport express train) or Flybussen is
not included in the Oslo Pass.