我在student agency 上订票,用信用卡付款后出现 The payment was declined at issuer's request Transaction was not successful due to one of the following reasons:
Your card is not intended for shopping via Internet Limit for Internet transactions was exceeded Wrong CVC2/CVV2 entered Insufficient funds on your account The Payment Service will redirect you to the Merchant Website (or click here to be redirected immediately).我每一项都输入正确的,为什么付款不成功?是不是需要注册才能买票?注册时是否需要付10欧?
我在student agency 上订票,用信用卡付款后出现 The payment was declined at issuer's request Transaction was not successful due to one of the following reasons:
Your card is not intended for shopping via Internet Limit for Internet transactions was exceeded Wrong CVC2/CVV2 entered Insufficient funds on your account The Payment Service will redirect you to the Merchant Website (or click here to be redirected immediately).我每一项都输入正确的,为什么付款不成功?是不是需要注册才能买票?注册时是否需要付10欧?
步骤:1、主页上选好起始查询时间、起点、终点、人数,然后search;2、根据列出来的车次选择,然后purchase;3、选座位,create reservation;4、pay;5、选信用卡种类;6、输入邮箱;7、就是输入信用卡信息;8、转到银行界面付款;9、成功;10、可以在邮箱里找到邮件,点击链接可以打印了就……我反正就是这么个步骤。