英国走,只去四天,就是为了去雪山跟泡温泉..飞机上午飞到ZURICH,然后直接坐车去Leukerbad,看很多穷友都推荐这里,想雪山跟温泉都可以在这里一起解决了...在Leukerbad差不多呆个两天半。住三晚,最后一天坐早车从Leukerbad回ZURICH,在ZURICH一天应该够了吧..就一个城市. 晚上飞回
1, 从ZURICH机场有直接去Leukerbad的火车吗? 还是一定要到市区再座火车
2, https://www.sbb.ch穷友给的网站..现在还查不到我去那个时候的票.票价一般是多少呀.我看有Half-Fare (travelcard)这种的半价票. 是谁都可以买的吗?? 全价的好贵。。。
3, 在Leukerbad,我查了一下穷友说的Lindner Alpentherme和Burgerbad,在那里定HOTEL实在是太贵啦..想在
4, 在Leukerbad,上雪山要花钱吗? 大概多少呀..
英国飞去的机票倒是挺便宜的.就怕去了容易,回来难...呵呵,问题有点啰嗦。 因为夏天出去玩的时候花多啦。。这次圣诞假期只想小玩一下。。尽量剩一点。。谢谢各位啦~~~
Swiss Transfer Ticket
The Swiss Transfer Ticket brings travellers from the Swiss border or Swiss airport to their destination and back again. These ticket is the ideal solution if only staying for a brief period (and not moving about) or for winter holidays. Each trip needs to be completed by the end of the day and has to be as direct as possible.
Not available in Switzerland. Only available at foreign points of sale and in the online Ticket Shop.
如果中间还想去Zermatt,那Swiss Card或SwissPass比较适合,这个看价格了。上山滑雪要用Ski Pass,这个就算你有 Swiss Card或SwissPass都没有任何折扣,如果是上山观光(一上一下的交通)用Swiss Card或SwissPass就有半价优惠了)。
The Swiss Card not only does include the first and the last trip from the border or airport to one's destination and back, it also offers a 50% discount on all trips effected by train, boat, (postal) bus and most mountain trains and cable cars between the 1st and 2nd transfer day. The Swiss Card has a maximum validity of 1 month. However, once the included return has been used, it is not valid any longer. The first and last trip must be completed by the end of the day. Each trip has to be as direct as possible.
This formula is a good idea if staying in one region the entire time and just going on local rides.
Available at foreign points of sale, at the Swiss border and airport train stations, and in the online Ticket Shop.
查SBB从ZURICH到那里的交通费好贵呀..快要200瑞士那里的钱了..合英镑也差不多要1百6,7了..比机票的两倍还多..所以我们想,我们一 ... ”
1、楼主为什么不选择SWISS PASS啊?如果在国内买还能再便宜呢!(假如楼主在上海,可以打31337001咨询,我们就是在这家买的)
至于价格的问题,买SWISS PASS会比较好
2 票价也请参考12月初,可能会涨价,但不会太离谱,半价卡可以在机场当场买,一个月有效的99CHF
3 不一定住山上的,那时段比较贵,可以把距离放远一点,温泉不止对住店客人开放,所以没问题
4 Leukerbad的雪山就是下雪后的山,我待会儿发我一月去的时候的照片,那个不用钱的
要看名气大的雪山,Leukerbad 附近是Zermatt 的马特宏峰啦