This facility is extended to visitors from Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Peoples Republic of China (PRC), Taiwan and Vietnam on transit entering Malaysia via the entry-points at;
1. Kuala Lumpur International Airport and LCCT
2. Bayan Lepas Airport,
3. Senai Airport,
4. Kota Kinabalu Airport and
5. Kucing Airport or via sea ports traveling on cruise ship.
Conditions for Visa (Transit) :-
1. Visitor must possess a valid passport with an expiry date of not less than 6 months on the date of visit
2. The visitors returnability to country of origin is assured and the holders of Certificate of Identity and that of a similar status must possess a valid ‘Re-entry
Permit’ or equivalent to it.
3. Visitor must be in possession of a confirmed ticket to a third country
4. Visitor must be able to finance his stay in Malaysia.
5. Visitor entering Malaysia by cruise ship must be a ‘through passenger’ only.
6. Visitor is required to enter and leave through the same Entry/Exit point. For example, it visitor enters through KLIA Airport, he/she must also leave through
KLIA Airport.
7. Visitor may be issued a Transit Pass/Special Pass valid for not more than 120 hours. No extension is permitted. Visitor is allowed access out of the
airport premises or port area without requiring to surrender their passport.
The Transit Visa is issued to applicants who wish to enter Malaysia on transit to other countries. Transit visa can be issued upon arrival for a stay of maximum of 120 hours (extension not possible) if:
Passenger arrives and departs from the same point and not through any other points;
Holding confirmed onward ticket and all documents required for next destination.
Travellers on transit without leaving the airport precints and who continue their journey to the next destination with the same flight do not require a transit visa.
Issued to foreign nationals who require a visa to enter Malaysia on transit to other countries. Foreign nationals on transit without leaving the airport precincts and who continue their journey to the next destination with the same flight do not require a transit visa.
This facility is extended to visitors from Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Peoples Republic of China (PRC), Taiwan and Vietnam on transit entering Malaysia via the entry-points at;
1. Kuala Lumpur International Airport and LCCT
2. Bayan Lepas Airport,
3. Senai Airport,
4. Kota Kinabalu Airport and
5. Kucing Airport or via sea ports traveling on cruise ship.
Conditions for Visa (Transit) :-
1. Visitor must possess a valid passport with an expiry date of not less than 6 months on the date of visit
2. The visitors returnability to country of origin is assured and the holders of Certificate of Identity and that of a similar status must possess a valid ‘Re-entry
Permit’ or equivalent to it.
3. Visitor must be in possession of a confirmed ticket to a third country
4. Visitor must be able to finance his stay in Malaysia.
5. Visitor entering Malaysia by cruise ship must be a ‘through passenger’ only.
6. Visitor is required to enter and leave through the same Entry/Exit point. For example, it visitor enters through KLIA Airport, he/she must also leave through
KLIA Airport.
7. Visitor may be issued a Transit Pass/Special Pass valid for not more than 120 hours. No extension is permitted. Visitor is allowed access out of the
airport premises or port area without requiring to surrender their passport.
The Transit Visa is issued to applicants who wish to enter Malaysia on transit to other countries. Transit visa can be issued upon arrival for a stay of maximum of 120 hours (extension not possible) if:
Passenger arrives and departs from the same point and not through any other points;
Holding confirmed onward ticket and all documents required for next destination.
Travellers on transit without leaving the airport precints and who continue their journey to the next destination with the same flight do not require a transit visa.
当时对过境签的理解是提供120小时内的离境依据,感觉新加坡的回国机 ... ”
话外音:该童鞋至今杳无音讯 好可怕
Issued to foreign nationals who require a visa to enter Malaysia on transit to other countries. Foreign nationals on transit without leaving the airport precincts and who continue their journey to the next destination with the same flight do not require a transit visa.
看到英文的规定,由一个地方实在想问,怎么翻译合适捏?through passenger 过境旅客还是直达旅客。因为有看到through passenger bus翻译成直达客车的。
她飞机抵达吉隆坡机场,签证官不给她免费transit pass,只因她没有离境的飞机票,而只有去新加坡的火车票,不得不花300多办了落地签。。。杯具
这么说,我坐火车从泰国进大马,然后有从吉隆坡到暹粒的机票,也是可以申请免费的过境签的。 ”
自己想問,還把我拉出來.... ”
Transit Pass/Special Pass valid for not more than 120 hours.