很遗憾的是你真的估计错误了。transit pass就是trasit without visa facility。楼主提到了是预定从印度飞往马来西亚的航班才会出现这个提示。原因是,马来西亚从2009年12月1日就取消了孟加拉、印度、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡国民的的过境签证(transit pass)资格;就连visa on arrival这几个国家的国民都没有资格(除非有其他国家的居留权或者签证)。
Please be advised that with effect from 01 December 2009, the transit facility without visa up to 120 hours at five (5) entry points in Malaysia, previously given to passport holders of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka is hereby cancelled. All passport holders from the abovementioned countries must have social/short visa for a transit at any point of entry in Malaysia. Notwithstanding, nationals of the abovementioned countries who have a valid permanent resident status or have a valid long term permit of stay or have a valid work permits from other countries may be given the transit facility without visa up to 120 hours.
Please be advised that with effect from 01 December 2009, the transit facility without visa up to 120 hours at five (5) entry points in Malaysia, previously given to passport holders of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka is hereby cancelled. All passport holders from the abovementioned countries must have social/short visa for a transit at any point of entry in Malaysia. Notwithstanding, nationals of the abovementioned countries who have a valid permanent resident status or have a valid long term permit of stay or have a valid work permits from other countries may be given the transit facility without visa up to 120 hours.
There are no transit without visa facilities available at the Low Cost Carrier Terminal Kuala Lumpur. Kindly ensure that you have a multiple entry visa for Malaysia if you have an onward flight from K ... ”
当然,没有签证的时候可以去办trainsit pass啊~~
很遗憾的是你真的估计错误了。transit pass就是trasit without visa facility。楼主提到了是预定从印度飞往马来西亚的航班才会出现这个提示。原因是,马来西亚从2009年12月1日就取消了孟加拉、印度、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡国民的的过境签证(transit pass)资格;就连visa on arrival这几个国家的国民都没有资格(除非有其他国家的居留权或者签证)。
马来西亚澳洲使馆关于transit visa的通知:
Please be advised that with effect from 01 December 2009, the transit facility without visa up to 120 hours at five (5) entry points in Malaysia, previously given to passport holders of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka is hereby cancelled. All passport holders from the abovementioned countries must have social/short visa for a transit at any point of entry in Malaysia. Notwithstanding, nationals of the abovementioned countries who have a valid permanent resident status or have a valid long term permit of stay or have a valid work permits from other countries may be given the transit facility without visa up to 120 hours.
马来西亚移民局关于visa on arrival的解释:
Please be advised that with effect from 01 December 2009, the transit facility without visa up to 120 hours at five (5) entry points in Malaysia, previously given to passport holders of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka is hereby cancelled. All passport holders from the abovementioned countries must have social/short visa for a transit at any point of entry in Malaysia. Notwithstanding, nationals of the abovementioned countries who have a valid permanent resident status or have a valid long term permit of stay or have a valid work permits from other countries may be given the transit facility without visa up to 120 hours.
There are no transit without visa facilities available at the Low Cost Carrier Terminal Kuala Lumpur. Kindly ensure that you have a multiple entry visa for Malaysia if you have an onward flight from K ... ”
no transit without visa
双重否定推出肯定 transit with visa
亚航之家 回复@蜀黍走天下: 两个都行。不过千万不要在同一个浏览器使用多个tab来预定。这可能会造成混淆,导致系统拿错日期,那么就糟糕了。(38分钟前)
亚航之家围脖里的回复! ”
我的理解是与你一样的,但是之前没有跳出该条目而且为了得到确定,在518下午向亚航之家提问,但亚航之家在这个问题上是白丁,无法得到明确的答案。通过大家的讨论,不给transit VISA应该是针对持印度护照的旅客的 ... ”
别的国家都不用transit pass,直接去敲入境章的,2周,1个月,3个月不等....
千万别觉得这是个很值得骄傲的事情啊.... ”
我怎么没看到~~ ”
PS 如果LCCT不提供过境签,估计到时候亚航生意要少点呢.
劲爆啊!!我昨天才从巴里岛回来,还没事呢。过境就用了2分钟就签了! ”
看来以前全是上天的眷顾,偶IE8, Mathon, Firefox的N个Tab 同时订票而没有把日期搞错