挪威在Vending Mashines上把票打印出来,但是在NSB网站上查到Myrdal这一站没有Vending Mashines,而且这个火车站还是Station is unstaffed。。。。
再就是关于Ticket Collecktion就是打印票我在DSB网站上看到这样一段话:
You can collect your ticket from any of NSB's ticket machines and manned stations in Norway. On some journeys, you can choose to collect your ticket "On board the train". In this case, please find your reserved seat on the train, and wait for the conductor to come round. However you choose to collect your ticket, please print out the confimation page or make a note of the reference number, carriage and seat numbers and the telephone number you entered as your
Booking identification. This information is needed when you pick up the ticket at a station or from a ticket machine, or on board the train. Click "STATIONS" on the main menu to check the opening hours of stations, and which stations have ticket machines.
挪威有Vending Mashines的车站把票打印出来而不是必须在我要上车的那个车站?有些
线路因为车站没有Vending Mashines,我也可以在买票时选择在车上取票?