请教:KLIA2机场的TUNE hotel 旅店的行李寄存的英文翻译!
吉隆坡机场后想把行李寄存在KLIA2机场的TUNE hotel ,再到
马六甲玩,去了个邮件询问后,KLIA2机场的TUNE hotel 英文回复如下:You may leave your luggage at our hotel only if you have a confirmed
Booking for on deposit and on the return date. google翻译为“您可以将行李存放在我们
酒店只有当你有一个确认预约寄存和返回日期。” 请教:是否要预约并经TUNE hotel 确认才能寄存啊?请英语高手指教!
Dear Sir,
We regret to inform you that it is not permitted for you to keep your luggage here without making any reservations.
Thank you for your kind consideration.