签证申请被拒,如果申述能否成功?提交了以下资料:1419表格和54表格;身份证、户口簿、护照、结婚证的复印件;在职证明(包括了公司的准假证明、公司名、地址、收入信息、公司营业执照复印件);存款证明(5w+),房产证;在1419表格内填写了旅行的大致流程 共16天。
You have indicated that you intend to travel to Australia for tourism purposes. You have not demonstrated sufficient commitments in China as an incentive for your return. More specifically, I note that you claim to be employed though limited evidence has been provided to support your employment claims. I note that you have provided some evidence of your financial standing, though the amounts noted could not be considered a significant incentive for your return from travel to Australia. In light of the above factors, I am not satisfied that Subclause 600.211 has been met and therefore must refuse your application.